Hi Kiara,

My boyfriend gave me a Christmas gift, and even though I appreciate his thought and effort, it is not my style. Could you please tell me how I can politely reject the gift without hurting his feelings or damaging our relationship?




Hi Sara,

Gifts that don’t quite match your tastes can be awkward, especially when they are gifts from someone you care about. Here are some tips to help you navigate this situation with sensitivity and respect for your boyfriend’s feelings.

Reject Christmas Gift Tips

1. Express Gratitude First:

Begin by expressing genuine gratitude for the thoughtful gesture. Commend him for his thoughtful selection of the gift by acknowledging the effort he put into it. The intention behind the gift reflects his feelings for you.

2. Focus on the Positive:

Emphasize the aspects of the gift that you genuinely appreciate. If you don’t like the overall item, you can find specific features or qualities to praise. It softens the blow and shows that you acknowledge what’s positive about his decision.

3. Use Positive Language:

Choose your words carefully when explaining why the gift doesn’t quite meet your preferences. Focus on personal taste rather than criticizing the gift. You can say “I prefer…” or “I have a different style” without hurting someone’s feelings.

4. Be Honest, Yet Tactful:

Honesty is essential, but being tactful is just as important. Rather than outright rejecting a gift, focus on how it mismatches your style. Say something like, “While this gift may not be my style, the sentiment behind it is truly appreciated.”

5. Reassure Him of Your Feelings:

Make sure your boyfriend understands that the gift does not affect your feelings for him. Emphasize that the gift doesn’t define the strength of your relationship, but you appreciate the effort and thoughtfulness he put into the gift.

6. Focus on the Relationship:

Remind him that the holiday season is all about love and togetherness. Don’t focus too much on the material aspects of gift-giving, but rather on your relationship and enjoying time together.

Every relationship relies on communication. You should approach the situation with kindness, empathy, and a genuine desire to maintain your bond. The gift rejection should be handled with grace, rather than causing unnecessary tension in your relationship.

