Hi Kiara,

What is your opinion of love as a catalyst for miraculous changes? Although I’ve heard a lot that love makes miracles possible, but never experienced it personally. Could you please let me know?




Hi Phoebe,

Our actions in the world are rewarded by what we give back. The world will love us if we love it well. If we hate the world well, it will hate us back. In every situation, love can make a miracle happen. The world becomes much easier to deal with when you approach it from the perspective that only love exists. The only wand that can work magic is love.

How Love Can Make Miracles Possible

Love can cheer you up.

When you only accept love from everyone, you feel lifted and powerful.

Love can give you courage.

It makes you fearless and able to face anything in your life if you accept nothing less than love in all situations. Ever been scared to approach a cute barista at your local coffee shop? Don’t be afraid. If he rejects you, remember that you accept nothing but love. Move on with a smile.

Love gives you hope.

As you give more love to the world, you will also receive more love (what we put out into the world, we receive, remember?), and as you receive more love, you will believe that everything is possible in this world.

Love instantly erases bad moods.

When you throw a little love into your bad day, it might just make it better. Did you spill your coffee? Did you get a flat tire? Did your boyfriend break up with you? Think of something you love. Listen to your favorite song. Hug some puppies.

Love makes enemies disappear.

Regardless of what they do, love them. It’s not necessary to become their best friend, forgive them for any wrongdoings, or keep a cycle of unhealthy communication going. It’s all about loving them.

Love fixes relationships.

Some relationships do not have giggles and cuddles every day. Some relationships require more effort than others. Some aren’t meant to be. Only love can heal your relationship; not hate or words of spite. If you’re fighting, stop mid-scream and say, “I love you.” Say it again until the fight is over. Even if he doesn’t return the words, love him anyway. It doesn’t matter if the relationship is doomed to end. You don’t have to stay together to fix a relationship.

So now you know love can bring miracles into the world. As long as you allow love to have its way with you, it is sure to be a magical experience that will last a lifetime.

