Bedroom plants can do more than just make your bookshelf appear brighter. They can also uplift your mood, increase your creativity, reduce stress, increase productivity, naturally filter air contaminants, and do a lot more.

Many of us do not realize how important air quality is. The insulation, paint, and furnishings in our homes frequently release poisons like formaldehyde and benzene into the air we breathe inside. To help with air filtration, think about bringing plants inside. A plant in your bedroom can absorb harmful gases through the pores in its leaves, filtering and enhancing the air you breathe every day. Bedroom plants may provide a charming decorative touch and a vibrant personality to any interior space in addition to their many health benefits. Here are 7 of the greatest plants to keep in your bedroom if you want to add some greenery.

  1. Snake plant:

This incredibly low-maintenance plant, also known as Mother-In-Law’s tongue, is a perfect choice for the bedroom because it not only made NASA’s list of the top 7 air-purifying plants, but it’s also one of the few indoor plants that produce oxygen at night, whereas most indoor plants only do so during the day.

Filters indoor air both during the day and at night.

Care Advice: Give the vine some bright indirect light and periodically water it.

2. Heart Leaf Philodendron

The Philodendron, a common houseplant since it is impossible to kill, is among NASA’s top ten list. This trailing plant has various attractive variations of heart-shaped leaves that are particularly effective at absorbing formaldehyde. Nevertheless, keep out of reach of animals and kids as this vining plant is poisonous when consumed.

Benefit for the bedroom: Reduces airborne formaldehyde

Care Advice: Moderate to bright light; sporadically use water.

3. English Ivy

An elite species of trailing beauty known as English ivy is very good at absorbing formaldehyde, benzene, xylene, and toluene. In addition to removing toxins from the air, research suggests that English ivy may also be able to reduce allergy symptoms by removing mold and animal feces from the air.

Pollutants are removed from the air, which is good for the bedroom.

Care Advice: Moderate light; periodically drink water

4. Golden Pothos

The trailing pothos plant is easy to care for, resembles the heart leaf philodendron in appearance, and is effective at removing formaldehyde, benzene, and carbon monoxide from the air. Its tolerance has led to the nickname “the cubicle plant.”

Benefits for the bedroom include odor removal and toxin removal from the air inside the home.

Advice for Maintenance: Moderately Light; Occasionally Drink Water

5. Spider Plant

This easy-to-grow indoor plant is perfect for a hanging planter. It is effective against benzene, formaldehyde, carbon monoxide, and xylene among other poisons. Give these plants plenty of bright to mild indirect sunshine when they’re young, and give them a little water here and there. After having it for about a year, water is just as necessary.

Benefits for the bedroom include air purification and the removal of harmful contaminants.

Care Advice: Moderate to bright light; sporadically use water

6. Rubber Plant

This low-maintenance beauty’s eye-catching forest green foliage serves as a powerful toxin extractor and air cleaner. Due to its abundance of leaves, which draw a lot of contaminants, this plant excels at cleaning the air within buildings. Keep these plants in low to moderate light, and wait a while before watering them.

Benefit for bedrooms: Absorb airborne contaminants to lessen indoor air pollution

Care Advice: Moderate to low light; sporadically add water

7. Gardenia

The Gardenia requires a little bit more upkeep than the other plants on our list, but it will be well worth your time. These plants produce beautiful, fragrant blossoms that are a favorite for bedrooms. Studies suggest that these plants can help with anxiety reduction and better sleep promotion. Place these plants in strong, direct sunlight, and keep the soil evenly moist.

Benefits of a bedroom include anxiety relief and sleep promotion

Care Advice: Bright indirect light and weekly watering

Should Plants Be Kept in the Bedroom?

Despite the many advantages of indoor plants, there are conflicting views on whether or not they should be kept in bedrooms. While plants do produce carbon dioxide at night as a result of photosynthesis, humans, and animals do so more frequently than plants do, leading some people to believe that it might be dangerous.

Contrary to popular opinion, small amounts of carbon dioxide are frequently safe. The rumor that a few houseplants will cause you to experience CO2 suffocation is based on carbon monoxide, CO2’s toxic relative. Additionally, it is quite poisonous. Therefore, the answer to this question is an emphatic yes; plants are great for bedrooms.

Bedroom Plants’ Advantages:

One of the biggest advantages of having plants in the bedroom is that they can enhance the quality of the air there. Dry indoor air has been linked to a variety of ailments, including respiratory problems, sore throats, colds, and even breakouts. By exuding water vapor during transpiration, indoor plants contribute to maintaining and, in certain situations, raising humidity levels. Additionally, plants release negative ions, which are comparable to those produced by many high-end air purifiers, in addition to oxygen and humidity. Dust, mold spores, germs, and allergies are just a few examples of airborne particles that the negative ions can adhere to and successfully eliminate.

Additionally, it has been demonstrated that the presence of negative ions improves psychological well-being, productivity, and general well-being. In terms of improving indoor air quality, certain common houseplants go even further by naturally removing toxins like formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, xylene, toluene, and benzene.

The relaxing impact that houseplants offer is one of their most underappreciated advantages, making them the ideal complement to your bedroom. Houseplants can transform your bedroom into a zen retreat to aid in falling asleep more quickly and staying asleep longer, even if there is no scientific evidence that they can boost the quantity of sleep you get. If you’re looking for fresh bedroom plants, match your bedding to your potted plants for an even more stylish sleeping area.