Hi Kiara!
This is Tracy. And I have been reading your blogs and I love them. So, I wanted to share something.
My husband works while I stay at home, yet he always expects me to handle all household chores. How can I get him to perform at least half of the chores when he gets home?
Hi Tracy! I really appreciate your wonderful words. I believe that as a woman we all are equal in the division of labor.
However, you must find a job for yourself to earn money if you want him to do HALF of the housework. The crucial word here is “EQUAL.” Your duties as a HOUSE-WIFE revolve around the household. IT’S IN THE JOB TITLE. If you have young children, it goes without saying that when he gets home from work, he will temporarily take care of the kids while you clean the kitchen after supper. This is his opportunity to spend time with them as he hasn’t seen them all day.The kids can assist you with some of the chores if they are of school age now and don’t have as many responsibilities. However, your partner shouldn’t shoulder half the burden. You shouldn’t be expecting much more from him than helping with the dishes a few nights a week, possibly putting on a little laundry when he wants an extra load done, bringing out the trash, and generally cleaning up AFTER HIMSELF (since he is an adult, after all, not another child).
As I indicated, the key in this situation is the EQUAL DIVISION OF LABOUR. Half the kid care and half the housework need to be his obligations if you were to leave and acquire a full-time job.If you don’t want to work outside the home full-time but find cleaning to be so tough, boring, or annoying, obtain a part-time job and use the money you earn to hire a house cleaner to come in once or twice a week.Regards,Kiara