The joy of having cousins is unmatched by anything else. They’re just as close as siblings but way less annoying! As Cousins Day is coming up, I’m feeling nostalgic. I’ve got a whole bunch of cousins, and I can always count on them. Even though they are ridiculous, I love them. Most of my childhood memories revolve around my cousins. They have been so supportive of me throughout my life.

I remember my cousin Shailja was born two weeks after I was born. Since we were kids, we talked about being in college together, living a big girl’s life, and staying best friends. While in high school, we drifted apart a bit, but now we’re all together, just like we always wanted. Better than that? Currently, she is my roommate. Having cousins offers myriad fantastic benefits, which you can glean by reading the following. And I bet by the end, you’ll want to call yours and tell them how much they mean to you!

It’s a family thing.

Since it’s all in the family, there’s no need to hide anything. I am sure you know a lot, if not all, about her parents. You know about your family’s hilarious holiday traditions, a vacation that turned terrifying, and when your uncle spilled your cousin’s birthday cake on an antique rug by accident. The two of you are just in sync, so there is no need to catch up or explain.

It’s an unwavering support system.

You know that she will be there for you day in and day out, rain or shine. In retrospect, she has rarely let you down. She has helped you with many things over the years, including honest advice, secrets, and simply talking. Fortunately, you will be able to continue to enjoy that for a long time to come.

Fun-filled family get-togethers!

My heart goes out to people who don’t have close relationships with their cousins. You know, family reunions can be awkward, huh? However, when you’re BFFs with your cousin, there’s nothing better than a family reunion. With your cuz by your side, you will no doubt laugh at all the shenanigans. As you enjoy your time together, you will do your own thing.

They put their spin on it.

Your cousin has known you your entire life, or nearly so. It’s nice to know not only does she understand your biz, but she can also give you insight. Although she’s far apart from you to offer you sound advice, she’s equipped with enough information to make her advice relevant to your situation.

You have the same core values.

It’s likely because you grew up in families that, ultimately, brought you up together, so you and your cousin are such good friends. The chances are, despite some differences, you have grown up with the same values. The mutual understanding between you and her makes her more than a best friend – she’s a family member.

It’s the Hand-Me-Down System forever.

I must tell you that, to be honest, you love your cousin, but her closet is almost as much a love as hers. It isn’t going to stop any time soon. When their wardrobe screams with unique pieces you otherwise wouldn’t buy for yourself, it’s so fun to double what you have.

Your friendship flourishes.

I have learned how fortunate I am to be so close to my cousin, in both age and friendship, especially after living with her for almost a year now. Our relationship has grown so close that I can confidently state that if you’re friends with your cuz, you can’t imagine life without her.

Friendship with cousins may take a little effort initially, but you’ll be glad you did when they become your friends. Ultimately, cousins are the best friends you’ll ever have through life’s ups and downs. They are those who laugh at inside jokes with you in the good times and hold your hand through the tough times. They know all your secrets, remember all your best memories, and love you exactly the way you are. Go! Call your cousins and tell them how much you care and be sure to set up a time to catch up with them. Reminisce on the past or make new memories. After all, it’s your cuz. Please let me know in the comments what kind of relationship you have with your cousins?