Being a good father is one of the hardest and easiest things. In a society where we are peeling the layer of patriarchal oppressive ideas shoved down, it gets difficult to rise above the chaos. There is a lot of learning, awareness, and unlearning. As a father, you always want the best for your daughter. So, when it comes to a girl getting her first period, dad can continue to be her superhero and help his little daughter get through that difficult time.


A father should have a basic idea as to when his daughter will get her first period. It usually happens around 12-13 years of age. However, body type, genetics, and ethnicity can cause the actual time for the menarche to vary from girl to girl. Also, one major sign you may notice is your little girl beginning to develop breasts.

 Typically, the first period is about two years after breast buds start their formation. Hence, it is important to talk to your daughter before her first period starts so that it gets easy for her to understand. We also believe that having smaller talks, rather than just one big talk. Also, parents should consider making a ‘first-period kit‘ ready for their daughter so that she can carry that to her school. It can also include a small zipper pouch having a few teen-sized pads and a change of underwear in that kit after her first period starts.


Usually, a period can last between 3-7 days, but everything depends on the girl. For some girls, it may be just a light spot, while others might have a heavier period that does not last long. Your daughter can have cramps with her period, and they might get worse and more consistent. So, keep heating pads and hot water bottles to help ease the cramping pain.


The first period can be a very emotional time for any girl, so a father needs to stay calm. You should also make sure that your daughter should know that having periods is normal. Fathers should never use harsh phrases like “It happens to all women” type of quotes. They should be very supportive and should understand that the starting phase of a period is altogether a very emotional period for their little girl.

So, fathers should feel confident helping their daughters in this tough time. Instead of making this subject a taboo, make sure that you create a healthy transition into adolescence.


When a father gets to know about her daughter getting her first period, he should instantly find a good gynecologist for her. Menses come with a lot of problems and pains of their own. So, your best bet would be to get in touch with a gynecologist for your daughter with whom she can be comfortable. It will also help her to get her regular checkups too.


Never plan for a period party, or give her a huge present commemorating her ‘womanhood’. She is in her awkward state still figuring out what is happening to her body. So, there is 

no need to make a fuss about it. Instead, try to buy her sanitary napkins or tampons which she would need.

Also, make sure that your daughter is hydrated and eating well on time and take her for tea if she has cramps or for a chocolate treat if she is feeling moody. All in all, she just needs you throughout her menses cycle, so be there for her. Help her make a healthy transition.