When life seems harsh and oppressive, laughter is the apt antidote. It’s no better time to brighten someone’s day than April 1 with a masterfully executed April fool’s joke!

You don’t have to choose a complicated gag – a lot of the cleverest ideas require minimal planning and don’t cost a dime. It’s nothing new to let a whoopee cushion slide under your chair or prank call your friends – but on April Fool’s Day, such antics are somewhat expected (except for those who are notoriously gullible and unaware!). Knowing that April 1st is a day filled with various high jinks, it’s even more rewarding to come up with an unexpected way to surprise someone. As always, you should know who you’re pranking and choose an appropriate gag for your out-of-the-blue victim.

To get into the spirit of April Fool’s day, I’ve listed below some of the funniest pranks I’ve stumbled upon.

Room with Balloons!

Choose a windowed door that will be visible from the outside to the target of your prank. Blow up several balloons and arrange them in a cluster. You will want the window inside the door to appear like it is bursting with balloons on the other side. (Or even better if you can fill the whole room with balloons!)

An uncontrollable remote.

To make this prank work, you need to take away the “control” of the remote. Cover the sensor on the clicker with a tiny sticker or piece of tape. Even with new batteries, they can’t get those TV channels to move… even if they try hard.

Silhouettes that scare.

It only requires a couple of strategically placed paper insects – or you could cut them out yourself. Attach them to the inside of a lamp and watch your target’s eyes go wide when they flip the switch! The lampshade will reveal some bizarre figures.

Enjoy the Fan fun!

Be aware that this gag requires commitment. You’ll need to clean everything up afterward! Stack confetti carefully atop a ceiling fan, tucking it all away from sight from below. When the fan turns on, confetti will blanket the room as though it were December 31 and not April 1.

Caper with a car!

Inside the car of your prank target, place a sign that says, “honk and smile”. Make sure it can’t be seen (but should not block their view). Throughout their commute, drivers will beep at them constantly, wondering why they seem more flirty than a nuisance.

All eyes are on you!

Put a pair of google eyes on every food item in the fridge – so when someone opens the door, the condiments stare back at them. You can also do this with all produce.

It’s a booby trap.

Install a party popper – yes, the kind you can buy from the dollar store for New Year’s Eve – on a closed door, with the string crossed over the door. Someone who turns the knob to cross the threshold will be surprised by a loud noise and confetti bursting into the air.

Dirty Diaper.

A timeless April Fool’s prank that involves melted chocolate in a diaper also works for the classic baby shower game. Make a mess of a diaper by smearing it with chocolate candy or peanut butter, then eat it in front of someone horrified at your behavior.

All that noise!

Make a rude surprise when someone steps on a rug or bathmat by placing bubble wrap underneath. Loud, unexpected noise can wake your unsuspecting victim up quickly in the morning before they’ve had any coffee yet.

A barrier of rubber bands.

Spend some time wrapping one of their most essential objects with rubber bands – such as the remote control or smartphone. Watch as they struggle to hold onto their patience until it is freed.

The situation is sticky!

Pranksters will appreciate this prank, but it’s a bit of a mess. You just need to swap out clear disinfectant with clear school glue in the sanitizer bottle, and everything is set. The sticky surprise will drip into their hands, and they will wonder why it doesn’t evaporate.

Drinks that you can’t drink!

Put some Jello in juice glasses with a straw and serve it. Guests will be surprised to discover these “drinks” aren’t liquid, and those straws will do them no good.

A solution is elusive.

Isn’t it frustrating to watch a toilet paper roll spin endlessly in search of an end? Try spraying hairspray on the loose edge of the toilet paper roll – it will roll and roll but won’t be able to remove the edge before losing its cool.

Strange Faces!

Switch out the photos in your frames at home or on your workplace’s employee gallery wall. You could also use pictures of celebrities, politicians, or historical figures instead of familiar faces. Do you know the boy wizard’s distant cousin?

But most of all.. have fun! I hope you like these hilarious yet cute pranks as much as I do. Do let me know your favorite April Fool’s Day gag? Post it below! If you want to learn some interesting facts about April 1st, check it out here.