Now that the year is drawing to an end, it’s time to reflect on it. While we cannot move forward without looking in the rearview mirror, we must not forget the positives of this past year. In this experience, many positive things happened, leading to powerful lessons. I wanted to leave you with a few gentle reminders as we prepare to leave 2021 behind. We’ve compiled a list of the top things you should leave behind and bring with you in the new year.

What to leave behind:

Serious stare.

Beating yourself up is futile since it doesn’t change anything. Changing your self-view is a cue. People are always hurrying to grow up, but we should never lose our inner child. So let go of your serious attitude before the new year and lighten up a bit. Let your wings take off.

Afraid of the unknown.

Intuition can be scary for many people. Your first step should be to let go of your assumptions about people. Once the new year rolls around, the world won’t seem so strange to you.

Nothing is right or wrong.

You should respect other people’s right to experience their reality. Be careful not to influence others’ thoughts. Do not control others.

Like crayons, we are all different. All of us have our colors and expressions, which adds to the beauty of life. It’s our singularity.


As the new year approaches, which is just another continuation of these present days, it’s essential to love yourself from the inside out. People often complain that they don’t like how they look. In short, if you’re dissatisfied with the way you look, then you’ll feel the same way, and your feelings will affect your life.

To let go of self-hate, you must realize that you are not who you think you are. You are so much more than your mind can ever imagine. You and I are infinite. Ready to dive into infinity?

Stop giving excuses.

Life is yours to live however you want, but only when you begin to accept that you are co-creator of it. A lot of people consider themselves victims. The truth is, when you adopt the right mindset, you can achieve whatever you want.

What to bring with us:

Impactful communication.

Don’t be vague about your values or what you won’t stand for. Never compromise for the sake of others’ comfort. Passion is the fuel of true success.

Invest in yourself.

If you want to be successful, you shouldn’t change who you are. You are enough the way you are.

Live without regrets.

Don’t let your fear of failure keep you from trying something new. Rather than waiting until “tomorrow” to accomplish what you said you would, show up now and fulfill your commitments.

Your biggest ally is you. Know where you’ve come from and be proud of it. Put yourself first and think of self-care as “self-investment.” You don’t need to break the bank for it!

We must practice self-care.

It is not just what we can do for ourselves, but also for others. Collectively, our health depends on how well we care for ourselves. To put it simply: Self-care is impossible without community care. We should support one another and accept help when it is needed. Make sure those around you have your back and that they do the same for you.

Instead of hurrying through life, savor every moment.

Follow your heart. Be confident that good will come your way. No matter how hard things seem, you will be able to overcome them. A positive outlook is a powerful tool to manifest your dreams into reality!

Appreciate and be grateful more often.

Relax and stop tensing over minor issues. Look for the bright side of things by focusing on your assets and those you have control over.

Let it go.

Remove anything on your plate that interferes with your peace of mind or takes away your joy. Put your energy into relationships that fill you up and those you can pour into.

Change doesn’t happen magically with a new year. Our actions are what create change, not just a new day. Every new year is a blank slate. It gives us hope and reminds us that we still have a chance, inspiring and motivating us to embark on new endeavors.

What’s the first thing you’re removing from your sentimental suitcase for 2021? What are the highlights you want to remember for 2022? 

As we approach the finish line, my heartfelt love, thoughts, and prayers are with you. Be strong and keep going. Give yourself permission to rest and forgive yourself. Believe that you can overcome challenges, no matter how difficult they might seem.

In that vein, cheers to the New Year 2022.