Kids and their choices have always differed from adults because of the taste buds and various other factors. A lot of kids stick to junk food while on the other hand adults prefer some food items that are good for the body and might binge eat just sometimes. Adults are just big babies who hate a lot of things that’s served in their plate while kids eat them happily.

Let’s see what are some food items that are liked by the kids and hated by the adults:

1. Sushi: many adults in the US dislike because of it’s taste and smell while the children love eating them it includes fish, meat, and rice so it sums up their taste buds in a way. This mom combines hot dogs in sushi to make it more interesting for the kids, have a read on


2. Veggies and cottage cheese: Here is a proud mom showing off her kids on Instagram enjoying their meal which includes veggies and their favorite pizza, what an interesting and healthy idea it would have turned out to be. Most veggies which we adults don’t like kids would enjoy in the form of pizza.


3. Black Licorice: We as kids grew up with the thought of hating licorice because of it taste but little did we know it is one of the top flavoured candies if one actually falls for the taste and kids these are quick with that and many of them have liked the taste while we as adults still dislike it.

Here’s an article on the website of washingtonpost you could go through to see why kids actually love candies made out of licorice and we hate.

4. Tofu: many of us are not familiar with the taste and some of just don’t like tofu in general but children out there are enjoying tofu at it’s fullest. Guess how? Here is a mom’s amazing tweet that has made all the kids love tofu.

Why wouldn’t kids love chocolate tofu pie, yes you heard us right… you might still not like it but after eating this tofu pie your kids are going to love tofu more than ever!

5. Peanut Butter: According to the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. Many adults avoid peanut butter can be attributed to an allergy to peanuts, which is one of the most common, and most severe, of the food allergies and kids love it for its sweet taste.

Here is a video of a cute kid enjoying peanut butter shared by his mom on Instagram.


6. Biscuits: Kids absolutely love biscuits of all types and adults have STOPPED completely the consumption. Most citizens of the US are already aware of the preservatives that biscuits hold and thus hate it. But hey here is a funny tweet by a mother, check it out and be ready for some giggles.


7. Olives: As we all know olives have very fewer calories and are a really good source of iron and calcium and except this, it is high in vitamin A, B12, and C. A lot of kids love olives and we adults still skip them. Here an article you’d love to read and know more about olives.


8. Sweets and junk: After a certain age people find a lot of things boring and unhealthy, such things can include sweets and other junk food but kids can go without anything but not sweets or junk. It is known that kids in the US love candies, hamburgers, hot dogs etc while adults either hate them or keep them at bay.

This article tells why are kids addicted to sweets and junk even though it is not so good for the health.


9. Jelly Sandwich: Most of the adults have hated this since childhood because of it’s texture and probably somewhat it’s that many of us don’t like. Kids this generation love anything that has such flavours in it and they’re good to go.

Checkout this article where this parent says: “My Kids’ Snacks Are Making Quarantine Easier But Losing This Gut Will Be Hard”


10. Bagel: Bagels, iced coffee are some food items which should be avoided as adults at least after the age of 30 and many of them have started ignoring such food items but it is found that it is loved by kids and considered as the most common. Read some funny and witty tweets about bagels which will make your day even better!


Comment below if you can name few more food items adults HATE and kids LOVE… have a great weekend!