Breakfast, in general, is required by all and most of it is required by our children i.e. the new generation as they’re the future of anything and to start with it you need to fill your stomach to make your brain function as it is known by all that the first meal is eventually the energy booster of all whole day.

Let’s know why is breakfast important for students :

As vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients are used by the body as a fuel to feed the brain as well as sustain energy in form of physical performance at school or anywhere required so it is advised by health nutritionists to give the child enough sources of food when they start the day.

Breakfast has helped students with better concentration power, healthier body weight, and energy to withstand anything and everything throughout the day. Better test results/scores are a plus point that helps the students.

An ideal time for students/children to have breakfast :

Parents always have this complaint that the children don’t eat their breakfast on time or either skip it and directly jump to the lunch while sometimes they wake up late or miss it due to early school timings. It is also said that kids don’t have a specific period hence fall sick due to all the lazy day-to-day habits.

Students or anybody, in general, is supposed to have their breakfast in and around 7-8 am as it is the time when the body’s metabolism is fast and it helps to breakdown the food which helps it later in the day to digest everything as well as use it and feel energized in whatever things they do.

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How and in what way a healthy breakfast helps students :

1. A healthy breakfast may reduce the risk of illness- Young children and students are more prone to illnesses that certainly include the common cold, cough, and even high fever at times. Breakfast is said to be the meal that provides all the required nutrients that makes the immune strong and gives

the students the energy and good health required to fight all the viruses and infections they come across.

2. Breakfast helps you make better food choices-  Children who eat an inadequate breakfast are more likely to make poor food choices not only for the rest of the day but also over the longer term. One good habit in the morning can help the students to pick good and healthy food from a very young age and hence can continue doing so for the rest of their lives which would give a healthy output in a good manner.

3. Helps with good mood throughout the day- Children these days are more about the mobile phones and internet as they are left with 0 energy by evening due to poor breakfast habits but research shows that students who had a good breakfast were energized to leave their house for extra curriculum activities for which the energy is obtained by the healthy breakfast they eat first thing in the morning.

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Mothers are always confused as to what new they can give to their children in the breakfast as it is the time when they are in a rush to leave for school and they are found to be lazy at that time and would prefer something that’s tasty but health comes in the first place and thus mothers duty comes in the picture. Here are few options that are healthy yet tasty :

1. Natural yogurt added with some fruits and nuts on top of it for sweetness and crunchiness as students love something that has a taste of two to three different things of their choice, that would make them happy and leave the house with a smile.

2. Oatmeal is the easiest thing that’s always available at home and kids love it when it has some of their favorite fruits as toppings that would give them the required nutrients to keep going with full energy.

3. Low-fat milk, toast, or even eggs can do the thing as morning is the time when everyone is in a rush and the easiest options are at the kitchen counter which provides enough protein, vitamin sources for better brain functioning and energy.

Websites that support the thought of breakfast being the ideal thing a student shouldn’t skip are as follows :

Read and go through it to know more about how breakfast works and why students skip it often. Also, how can one be consistent with having breakfast on time every day?


The main motive of this article was to convey or state a message that is something very important and still is overlooked or given the least priority. Children as students go through a lot of stress and pressure which is not known to many parents but the least we can do is feed them the right and healthy food on time that will allow their brain to function well and faster. Hope this article helped you a little bit in the process of the benefits it provides to the students.

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