Hi Kiara,

How are ya doing? Is marrying after 30 more likely to result in divorce? Is there a specific age at which we should get married to reduce the chances of divorce?




Hi Aurelia,

Marriage or not to marry? Are you wondering what the answer to this age-old question is? If so, when? Throughout the years, it has been discussed over cups of coffee, at family gatherings, and on the internet. There is a new twist to the story: Can delaying marriage after 30 increase your divorce chances?

This notion appears to have some statistical weight, according to studies. Those who marry after crossing the threshold of their third decade might find themselves at a higher risk of divorce compared to their younger counterparts who marry in their 20s. Before you panic and get married, let’s explore this more closely.

It has been shown that after the age of 30, the likelihood of divorce increases by 5% per year. So why does this happen? As we age, are we simply less capable of committing to lifelong partnerships? Maybe we refine our standards, making it harder to find the perfect match? Several factors may contribute to the answer.

Firstly, societal norms and expectations have evolved significantly over time. People no longer feel pressured to settle down when they are in their early 20s. Rather than marrying, many people are choosing to focus on their careers, travel the world, or simply enjoy their single life a little longer.

This delay in marriage can, however, change priorities and perspectives. By the time we’re in our 30s, we might be clearer about what we want in a partner and in life. Sometimes, this newfound clarity can lead to conflicts within relationships, ultimately leading to divorce.

The fact that we become more set in our ways as we age also makes compromise and communication more difficult. The minor irritations of our 20s can become major sources of contention as we reach our 30s.

Statistics may paint a bleak picture, but they don’t tell the whole story. Every relationship is indeed unique, and plenty of couples marry later in life and live happily ever after.

So should you rush to the wedding before 30 strikes? No, not necessarily. No matter your age, it’s important to approach marriage with intentionality. You must invest time in getting to know your partner, communicating openly and honestly, and nurturing your relationship.

It doesn’t matter your age, and there’s no one-size-fits-all formula for marriage success. With the right mindset and dedication, a happily ever after is always within reach, whether you say “I do” in your 20s, 30s, or beyond.

