Storytime QUESTION

Hi Amanda,

My friend always has storytime with her kids at night. Can you tell me why reading to kids is so important, and what it can do for them?




Hi Karun,

If you’ve ever doubted the importance of reading to your kid. Here’s why this cherished tradition holds so much power and why it’s not just about putting them to sleep.

The first thing you need to know is that reading to your kids isn’t just about the words. It’s all about bonding, fostering imagination, and laying the foundation for lifelong learning. A book isn’t just about sharing a story; it’s about sharing an experience, and creating memories that last a lifetime.

Aside from the warm fuzzies, science supports the benefits of storytime as well. From a young age, children benefit from reading, as it develops their language skills, improves their cognitive abilities, and sparks their creativity. Also, it helps them become more empathetic and open-minded by introducing them to new ideas, cultures, and perspectives.

Also, it has emotional benefits. As a world that can feel overwhelming at times, storytime offers a comforting routine, a chance to unwind, and a chance to connect.

The most powerful aspect of storytime is that it can inspire a lifelong passion for reading. Children are more likely to become avid readers when they associate books with warmth, love, and fun. From improved academic performance to reduced stress levels, being a bookworm has many benefits beyond childhood.

Don’t let screen time or other activities dissuade you from investing a few minutes in storytime instead. You can give your kids one of the greatest gifts by reading them a story, whether it’s a classic fairy tale or a modern masterpiece. Get a book, snuggle up, and let the magic begin!

