1. Bhang Thandai: Thandai is a popular Indian beverage made with a mixture of milk, nuts, spices, and sweeteners. During Holi, bhang is often added to thandai to create bhang thandai. Bhang thandai is typically prepared by infusing milk with ground cannabis leaves or buds and other ingredients such as almonds, pistachios, saffron, cardamom, and sugar. The result is a creamy and aromatic drink with a mild cannabis flavor, often consumed as a festive refreshment during Holi celebrations.

2. Bhang Lassi: Lassi is a traditional Indian yogurt-based drink that is enjoyed plain or flavored with fruits and spices. Bhang lassi is a variation of this beverage, infused with bhang to create a mildly intoxicating drink. To make bhang lassi, cannabis leaves or buds are ground into a paste and mixed with yogurt, milk, sugar, and spices such as ground cardamom and nutmeg. The mixture is then blended until smooth and frothy, resulting in a refreshing and slightly tangy beverage that is popular during Holi and other festive occasions.

3. Bhang Goli: Bhang goli, also known as bhang pills or bhang tablets, are small balls or capsules containing concentrated cannabis extract. These compact and portable forms of bhang are convenient for consumption during Holi festivities, allowing people to discreetly enjoy the effects of cannabis without the need for elaborate preparation or special equipment. Bhang goli may be made by extracting cannabinoids from cannabis plants using solvents such as alcohol or oil and then forming the extract into small doses for consumption. These potent doses of bhang provide a convenient way to experience the euphoric and relaxing effects of cannabis during Holi celebrations.