Hi Kiara,

My husband always forgets his car keys, throws towels on the bed, and totally misses on our dinner dates, among others. It’s getting frustrating, to be honest. Any tips on how to deal with this? Thanks in advance for your response!




Hi Olivia,

Misplacing items or forgetting important dates isn’t uncommon in the rush of daily life. It can be frustrating and concerning when it becomes a recurring pattern for your spouse. It can cause unnecessary stress for a couple if they forget dates and keys. Fear not, here are some practical steps you can take to help your husband.

First, understand the situation!

It’s important to approach the situation with empathy and understanding before jumping to conclusions. Stress, distraction, and memory lapses may be factors behind forgetting things. To understand why these occurrences occur, you should communicate openly with your husband.

Practical solutions:

1. Adopt Organizational Systems: Making organizational systems can help you keep track of everything. Make it a habit to always put keys in a specific spot, such as a key hook near the door when you’re not using them. Keep important dates and events on your calendar or with digital reminders.

2. Duplicate Keys: Have backups in case one set gets lost. Make sure you keep a spare set in a secure location accessible to both of you, such as a lockbox or with a trusted neighbor.

3. Utilize Technology: Use technology to manage schedules and reminders. Make use of apps designed for organizing tasks and appointments to set up calendar alerts on smartphones. Key trackers and Bluetooth-enabled devices can also be used to locate lost keys easily.

4. Discuss Household Habits: Talk to your husband about household habits, such as where towels should be placed after use. Come up with a solution that works for both of you.

5. Practice Mindfulness and Stress Management: Help your husband learn mindfulness techniques and stress management strategies to improve his focus and memory. Exercise, meditation, and deep breathing exercises can all help reduce stress levels and improve cognitive function.

6. Seek Professional Help If Needed: If memory lapses or forgetfulness persist, seek professional assistance. Any underlying issues can be identified and treated by consulting a healthcare professional or cognitive therapist.

While missing things can be annoying, you can support your husband in overcoming these challenges by being patient, understanding, and providing practical solutions. Always remember, communication and teamwork are essential ingredients for navigating this journey together.

