Hi Kiara,

I’m in a pickle. I have two relationships brewing, and I am not sure how to handle them? It would be helpful if you could tell me how to handle two love relationships simultaneously.




Hi Mushoku,

No worries! While juggling two romantic relationships might feel like walking a tightrope without a safety net, with a little finesse and honesty, you can navigate this tricky terrain with grace and style. Grab some coffee (or maybe something stronger), and let’s dive into managing multiple relationships!

6 Tips To Handle Multiple Relationships

1. Be Honest with Yourself: First things first, consider why you are in this situation. Is your interest genuine in both parties? Is commitment just too scary for you? By being honest with yourself about your motivations, you will be able to make informed decisions in the future.

2. Communication is Key: We cannot emphasize this enough. Every successful relationship relies on open and honest communication, let alone two! You should be transparent with both partners about your situation. It might be difficult to have this conversation, but trust me, it’s better to deal with it early on than to wait until things spiral out of control.

3. Set Boundaries: In situations like this, boundaries are your best friends. To ensure everyone’s needs and feelings are respected, set clear boundaries with both partners. You may need to schedule dedicated time for each relationship, or decide what types of relationships are acceptable.

4. Stay Organized: Maintaining two relationships requires a lot of organization. Remember important dates, such as anniversaries, birthdays, and special events, so you don’t feel neglected. Stay organized with a planner or calendar app.

5. Avoid Comparison: It’s natural to compare the two relationships, but resist the urge. Relationships are unique and special in their own way. Appreciate the qualities that make each partner unique instead of constantly comparing them.

6. Take Care of Yourself: Be sure to prioritize self-care despite all the juggling. Spend time doing things that make you happy and recharge your batteries. A long bath, a workout, or even indulging in a hobby are all self-care musts.

Even though juggling two relationships is challenging, it is not impossible. The ups and downs of polyamory can be successfully navigated with honesty, communication, and a lot of love.

