Hi Kiara,

It’s getting really hard for Alex and me to connect, because I’m constantly on my phone responding to work emails and scrolling through social media feeds, even when we’re supposed to be spending quality time together. I would like to know how to avoid digital distractions and prioritize my partner.




Hi Stella,

With our phones buzzing faster than bees, it’s easy to get lost in the digital maze and overlook the treasures right in front of us. But fear not! To help you give your partner the attention they truly deserve in 2024, check out these nifty pointers:

  1. Set aside some time without gadgets. Whether it’s for meals, evening walks, or bedtime, agree to put your phones away and focus solely on each other. Trust me, Instagram can wait.
  2. You shouldn’t let your partner feel like they’re competing against a screen for your attention when it’s a couple of times. Set clear boundaries with work emails, group chats, and social media scrolling.
  3. Don’t let your date nights be distracted by screens! Do things together that don’t involve screens, like cooking together, taking a hike, or playing a board game.
  4. If something is bothering either of you, address it kindly and find a solution together. Remember, it’s all about teamwork.
  5. Don’t just be physically present; be mentally present as well. Put away your distractions and give your partner your undivided attention.
  6. Your partner is your top priority, so listen actively, respond promptly, show affection offline, and be the change you want to see.

Here’s to a love-filled, distraction-free 2024. Let love lead the way, so stop looking at your phone and focus on each other instead.

