Comparing Your Relationship QUESTION

Hi Kiara,

I’m tired of constantly comparing my relationship to other people’s seemingly perfect love stories. Suddenly it seems like everyone has the best life as a couple and we’re the only couple who’s having problems? Could you please tell me how to stop comparing?




Hi Zendaya,

I understand why it happens. But now is the time to break free of the comparison trap and develop a connection that is uniquely your own. Here’s how you can stop comparing your relationship to everyone else’s in 2024:

1. Define Your Own Success:

Ask yourself what success means in your relationship. Each couple is different, and what works for others might not work for you. Set your own goals and milestones based on your values, priorities, and shared aspirations.

2. Celebrate Uniqueness:

Understand that every relationship is unique, just like the people involved. Take time to appreciate what makes your connection unique, rather than comparing. Embrace your partner’s strengths and quirks, appreciating his individuality.

3. Social Media Detox:

Social media can be a breeding ground for comparison, as people showcase their highlight reels. Take a break from scrolling through relationship posts. Focus on building genuine bonds with your partner rather than chasing perfection online.

4. Communicate Openly:

Communicate openly and honestly with your partner about the pressure to compare your relationship. By discussing these concerns, you will gain a better understanding of each other’s perspectives.

5. Gratitude Practice:

Cultivate gratitude for your relationship’s positive aspects. Recognize and appreciate the love, support, and joy that your partner brings to your life. Shifting your focus to gratitude can help counteract the negativity associated with comparison.

In 2024, put your relationship’s authenticity and growth first. Remember, the true measure of success lies in happiness and fulfilment within your own love story.

