Hi Kiara,

After 3 years of long-distance relationship, my boyfriend and I will be sharing a hotel room for the first time. Could you please let me know if that is a yay or a nay?




Hi Kalra,

So, you and your partner have reached that point in your relationship where sharing a hotel room has become a hot topic. Taking the plunge for a romantic getaway, exploring a new city together, and splitting the bill all seem like solid reasons. But is sharing a hotel room with your boyfriend a “yay” or a “nay”? Let’s explore the cozy yet complicated world of temporary cohabitation.

The Pros: Yay, It’s a Date Night Deluxe!

  1. Cost Efficiency: Putting it simply, you can save money! With a split hotel bill, you’ll have more money for fancy dinners, spontaneous adventures, or even a massage for two.
  2. 24/7 Togetherness: If you’re head over heels in love, spending every second of your waking (and sleeping) life with your boyfriend sounds wonderful. It allows for uninterrupted quality time between two people, enhancing the closeness of your relationship.
  3. Memories Galore: From inside jokes about the strange bathroom layout to late-night pillow talks, sharing a hotel room can be a memorable experience. In a way, it’s like a little microcosm of your relationship, complete with its quirks and charms.

The Cons: Nay, Personal Space, Please!

  1. Bathroom Wars: Sharing a hotel room can be a bonding experience, but getting to the bathroom can be a real battle.
  2. Sleeping Styles: Some people sleep like starfish, while others curl up in a ball. If you add someone else to the equation, you have to negotiate the art of sharing a bed without turning it into a war zone.
  3. The Great Snore Dilemma: Sharing a bed at home is one thing, but hotel rooms tend to amplify even the tiniest snore. Sleeping with your boyfriend might be restless if he plays a chainsaw during the night.

Navigating the Yay or Nay Decision: Finding the Middle Ground

  1. Communication is key: Be open and honest about expectations before making a decision. Get to know each other’s habits, quirks, and pet peeves. It is better to know what you are getting into before you get caught off guard.
  2. Consider the trip duration: A weekend getaway may be different from a week-long vacation. When it’s a short trip, you might be more inclined to say “yay,” but when it’s an extended stay, you might want to preserve a bit of the personal space.
  3. Test the waters: It’s always a good idea to try before you buy. Make a night’s stay at a nearby location a priority before you commit to a longer trip. This is a great way to see if you’re compatible in a new environment.

In the end, sharing a hotel room with your boyfriend is a highly personal decision. A little compromise, communication, and spontaneity go a long way.

