As the year comes to an end, I want to share with you a challenge that I’m doing to celebrate myself and practice self-love. It’s called 31 days of self-love in December. The idea is simple: every day, I do one thing that makes me happy, shows appreciation for myself, or helps me grow as a person. You can follow along and get inspired by my adventures on this blog!

Why am I doing this?

Well, because I think self-love is important and often neglected. We tend to focus on our flaws, our mistakes, and our failures, and forget about our strengths, our achievements, and our successes. We compare ourselves to others and feel inadequate or unworthy. We let others define us, and lose sight of who we really are. We neglect our needs, our desires, and our dreams, and settle for less than we deserve.

But not anymore! This month, that’s all going to change. I’m going to treat myself with kindness, compassion, and respect. I’m going to celebrate my uniqueness, my talents, my passions. I’m going to honor my feelings, my preferences, my goals. I’m going to pursue my happiness, my fulfillment, my purpose.

And I invite you to join me! You don’t have to do the same things as me, but you can follow the same principle: do one thing every day that makes you love yourself more. It can be big or small, simple or complex, easy or challenging. It can be something you’ve always wanted to do or something you’ve never done before. It can be something you do alone, or something you do with others. It can be anything, as long as it makes you feel good about yourself.

To give you some ideas of what you might like to do in these 31 days of December, here are a few suggestions:

– Write a list of things you like about yourself

– Take a bubble bath

– Read a book

– Watch a movie

– Listen to music

– Dance

– Sing

– Paint

– Draw

– Cook

– Bake

– Eat something delicious

– Drink something refreshing

– Meditate

– Do yoga

– Exercise

– Go for a walk

– Go for a run

– Go for a bike ride

– Go for a hike

– Go for a swim

– Go for a ski

– Go for a skate

– Play a game

– Learn something new

– Try something new

– Travel somewhere new

– Visit a friend

– Call a family member

– Volunteer for a cause

– Donate to a charity

The possibilities are endless! The only rule is: have fun!

I hope you’ll join me in this challenge and share your experiences with me in the comments. Let’s make this December the best month ever and start the new year with more self-love than ever before!