Hi Kiara!

This is Sumeer and I am from India. I read your blogs weekly, and I think you are our savior. So, Kiara, tell me one thing,

When is a relationship with a person who has borderline personality disorder (BPD) over? I’m eager to hear your response.



Hi Sumeer!

           I totally understand what you are trying to say, and I appreciate you for asking a question like this.

When you first think when you wake up in the morning, “Oh God, what’s going to be like today!?”  receive a timely response to that query while hearing a stream of slurs coming from the kitchen that would make a sailor blush.

-When all you can hear in the background is the boiling and steaming in a passion about nothing, you frequently find yourself head-in-hands and wondering how much longer you can put up with this.

When you can hear about how much someone despises everything—including being alive—every day.

-When they start their BPD, woe-is-me, lament and you have to leave the room because it’s the 1000th time they’ve told it.

-When you are exerting every effort to improve their quality of life but it is clear that it makes no difference to them at all.

You’re completely worn out since you have to cope with everything because they are unable to function.

-The disagreements start for no apparent reason because you are so worn out from them.

You become so worn out that you cease caring.

You are so worn out that you cannot have a sexual relationship with them.

-Your “commitment” to someone who only remembers you exist when they need something has caused your entire existence to circle the drain.

