Hi Kiara,

In the next few days, me and my boyfriend will be going on a beach vacation. Do you know of any ways in which we can protect ourselves from the sun’s harmful ultraviolet rays?




Hi Selena,

There’s nothing like summer days at the beach, outdoor exercise, and relaxing by the pool. Unless you are careful, it can also cause sun damage to your skin.

There are various health effects associated with UV rays from the sun, including sunburns and skin cancers. Your skin may also appear wrinkled and leathery after using them. Avoiding the sun altogether is the best way to preserve your skin’s health, but there are some alternatives that you can try when that isn’t possible.

This summer, protect your skin from damaging UV light with these 5 tips.

  1. Sunscreen: When it comes to protecting your skin from UV radiation, sunscreen is one of the most effective methods. You should look for a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher. Ensure all exposed parts of your body are covered, including your face, neck, arms, and legs. If you are exercising or swimming, reapply sunscreen every two hours.
  2. Sunglasses: UV rays can cause problems with your eyes, resulting in vision problems and eye diseases. Protect yourself from the sun’s harmful UV rays by wearing a good pair of sunglasses. Consider wearing sunglasses even on cloudy days since UV rays can penetrate through clouds even when they block UVA and UVB rays.
  3. Wide-brimmed hat: Wide-brimmed hats offer additional shade and protection for your face, ears, and neck. To effectively shield your skin from direct sunlight, choose a hat with a brim at least three inches wide. Particularly during peak sunlight hours, such as between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., this is particularly important.
  4. Protective clothing: Wear clothing that covers your arms and legs if you plan to spend time outdoors. Make sure you wear loose-fitting, lightweight clothing made from tightly woven fabrics that provide more sun protection. You can also protect yourself against UV rays by wearing dark colors and clothing that has a UPF (Ultraviolet Protection Factor) rating.
  5. Seek shade: When possible, seek shade during peak sun hours. Ideally, you should be under a tree, an umbrella, or a sunshade. Avoiding direct sunlight can lower your risk of sunburn or skin damage by reducing your exposure to UV rays.

You should protect yourself from UV rays all year long, not just in the summer. Maintain healthy skin and eyes by following these steps and incorporating them into your daily routine. I hope you found these beach tips useful.

