All life is devoted to Krishna, the supreme personality of Godhead. He is the source of creation and the goal of all living beings. It would be impossible to find someone more attractive, powerful, merciful, or loving than him. In addition to his mastery of arts, sciences, philosophies, and mysticism, he is also an alchemist. There is nothing in the universe that is not controlled by him.

The question is, how well do foreigners understand Krishna’s supremacy? Are they aware of the transcendental qualities and activities he possesses? Do they recognize him as the supreme Lord and do they surrender their lives to him? What is their attitude toward his teachings and instructions in the Bhagavad Gita and other sacred texts?

The answers to these questions will vary based on the foreigners’ degree of exposure, interest, and sincerity. It is possible that some people have only heard of Krishna as a mythical figure or as a cultural icon.

Those who read and study his stories and teachings may have some curiosity or admiration for them. It’s possible that some people are attracted to him or are devoted to him. There may have been some who realized his position as the savior of the world and accepted him as their personal savior.

Knowing Krishna’s supremacy best comes from seeing him in person or from his pure devotees who have realized him. It is possible to clear doubts and misconceptions that may arise from ignorance or speculation by listening to authoritative sources.

A relationship with Krishna can also be developed through hearing from him and experiencing his love and grace.

As Krishna himself says in Bhagavad Gita (10.8):

aham sarvasya prabhavo

mattah sarvam pravartate

iti matva bhajante mam

budha bhava-samanvitah

“I am the source of all material and spiritual worlds. Everything emanates from Me. The wise who know this perfectly engage in My devotional service and worship Me with all their hearts.”

Krishna’s supremacy can be understood by studying the Bhagavad Gita and other scriptures that reveal his splendor. The devotees should also associate with devotees who can guide them in the path of bhakti, or loving service to Krishna.

Additionally, they should chant his holy name, especially the Hare Krishna mantra, which is the easiest and most effective way to connect with him on the day of Janamashtmi.

Everyone can attain Krishna’s eternal abode if they follow these simple steps, whether they are foreigners or locals.