Hi there, everyone! Today, we’re exploring a topic that might hit a little close to home for some of you – relationship neglect. Now, before you start hiding under the covers, fearing that your spouse will read this and accuse you of neglect, don’t worry!

We’re here to explore this serious topic in a light-hearted way. So, buckle up and get ready for a wild ride through the land of relationship neglect!

The Signs of Relationship Neglect:

1. The “Netflix and Snore” thing:

Picture this: you and your partner used to have epic movie nights, but lately, it’s become a snooze fest. Literally. Instead of enjoying a romantic comedy together, one of you (or both) ends up snoring within the first 15 minutes. It might be a sign of relationship neglect if it has become a regular occurrence.

2. The Case of the Missing Dates:

Remember when you used to plan exciting date nights? Now, it seems like your calendar is filled with more dentist appointments than romantic rendezvous. If your date nights have been replaced by dentist chairs, it’s time to address the neglect monster lurking in your relationship.

3. The “Game Over” Situation:

Is your partner more invested in levelling up in their favourite video game than spending quality time with you? Well, it’s time to pause that game and have a serious talk about relationship neglect. After all, there’s only so much satisfaction you can get from watching your partner defeat virtual monsters while you sit there feeling neglected.

4. The “Honey, I Shrunk the Conversations” bug:

Remember those long, meaningful conversations you used to have? Well, if your daily interactions have been reduced to one-word responses like “yeah,” “okay,” or “uh-huh,” it’s a clear sign that relationship neglect might be sneaking in. It’s time to dust off those conversational skills and return to engaging conversations!

A Road to Recovery:

1. The Power of Communication:

Open, honest communication is key to addressing relationship neglect. Sit down with your partner and discuss your concerns, without pointing fingers or playing the blame game. Remember, it’s about finding solutions together, not assigning fault.

2. Prioritize Quality Time:

Make a conscious effort to carve out quality time for each other. Plan date nights, take up a new hobby together, or simply enjoy a leisurely stroll in the park. The important thing is to reconnect and create cherished moments that remind you both why you fell in love in the first place.

3. Surprise and Delight:

Embrace spontaneity! Surprise your partner with little gestures that show you care. It could be as simple as leaving a sweet note on their pillow or cooking their favourite meal. Small acts of kindness can go a long way in reigniting the spark in your relationship.


So, there you have it – a light-hearted take on relationship neglect. While it’s important to acknowledge the signs, it’s equally essential to address them with love, humour, and a willingness to make positive changes. Remember, relationships require effort, but with a dash of laughter and a sprinkle of dedication, you can overcome relationship neglect and create a loving, fulfilling bond that withstands the test of time.