Hi Kiara!

          I hope you had a good day! This is Ricardo. Last time, when I spoke to you, you helped me with the best advice on my son’s upbringing. But this time, I need your advice on how to take care of a parent with Alzheimer’s disease.

Thank you!


Hi Ricardo!

             I had a mixed day. How about you? I hope that you maintain a good relationship with your son.

And talking about Alzheimer’s disease, this is what you should do:

1. Obtain a prognosis. As a result, the patient will be eligible for support and assistance programs.

2. Determine the level of care required for the patient’s safety and quality of life based on the disease’s progression.

3. Form a caregiving team. A single person shouldn’t be responsible for providing care round-the-clock.

4. Make changes to the patient’s living arrangements that will enable him or her to function more safely.

(Depending on how far along the disease is, this could involve everything from moving to plastic drinking cups to taking away automobile keys.)

5. As long as it is practical, let the patient retain as much of their freedom as they can.

I hope this helps!

Thank you!
