We’re known for our rich culture, heritage, and traditions in India. It has been our tradition to embrace each individual with a warm and open heart. But our country’s charm is fading with more hate spreading around. While same-sex relationships have been decriminalized, society still does not accept them.

We always forget that humanity makes us all equal and unites us. All of us are created with the same cellular structure, which makes us all the same. To show our respect for the LGBTQ community, we thought we would introduce you to some inspiring individuals. Here are some inspiring Indian LGBTQ individuals who have broken barriers and are making a difference in their fields:

Section 1: Activism and Advocacy

1. Harish Iyer:

In India, Harish Iyer is well known for his activism on behalf of LGBTQ rights. In addition to advocating for LGBTQ rights, he has raised awareness about bullying, discrimination, and mental health issues. Through his tireless efforts, Harish has contributed to the creation of a more inclusive and accepting society.

2. Laxmi Narayan Tripathi:

Laxmi Narayan Tripathi is a transgender rights activist in India who has fought for the rights of transgender individuals. In addition to recognizing the third gender category and decriminalizing homosexuality, she has played a crucial role in the legal battle for transgender rights. It is Laxmi’s advocacy that has made society more inclusive.

Section 2: Arts and Entertainment

1. Sushant Divgikar:

Sushant Divgikar, who goes by the name Rani Ko-He-Nur in the Indian entertainment industry, is an established LGBTQ figure. With his acting, singing, and drag acts, Sushant has challenged stereotypes and societal norms. Aside from entertaining, his talent and charisma have inspired many people across the country.

2. Kalki Subramaniam:

In the Indian film industry, Kalki Subramaniam has made a significant impact as a transgender activist, artist, and actor. Kalki has shed light on transgender individuals’ struggles and triumphs through her powerful performances. Her advocacy for LGBTQ rights and inspiration for aspiring artists continues.

Section 3: Games and Sports

1. Dutee Chand

As India’s first and only openly gay athlete, Dutee Chand is recognized for her athletic accomplishments and recognition. In 2019, she made headlines when she confessed to being in a same-sex relationship with a 19-year-old girl from her village. Despite numerous challenges and backlash after coming out, she still lives an unapologetically true life. Through her open acceptance of her identity, she has demonstrated that anyone can pursue their dreams, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity.

Section 4: Business and Entrepreneurship

1. Sridhar Rangayan:

A filmmaker, Sridhar Rangayan founded the KASHISH Mumbai International Queer Film Festival to showcase the work of LGBTQ artists. As a result of his efforts to promote LGBTQ cinema and support emerging talent, the film industry has become more inclusive and more visible to the LGBTQ community.

2. Parmesh Shahani:

Parmesh Shahani is a writer, curator, and human rights activist who has been at the forefront of promoting equality in the corporate world. Parmesh has spearheaded various LGBTQ-inclusive programs and events at the Godrej India Culture Lab, creating a culture of equality and acceptance.

Section 5: LGBTQ Couple

1. Anjali and Sufi

In social media, Sufi and Anjali were among the first homosexual couples to cause a stir. Several India’s top dailies ran headlines about them. It was nothing short of an outpouring of love from the public for this Indo-Pak couple.

2. Pritam and Manish

Whether they’re talking about music, travel, or just simple everyday things, Pritam and Manish make our hearts happy. You’ll find plenty of cute date ideas, stories, and pure, beautiful experiences on their feed.

3. Payal and Yashvika

A love story about Payal and Yashvika’s marriage went viral on social media, becoming the first Indian lesbian couple to gain prominence. Like any other marriage, the couple insists that their union is legitimate.

4. Atulan and Divesh

Here are Atulan and Divesh, two travel influencers! As they travel and share incredible experiences, these young men inspire hope for a better future among other desi gay couples.

5. Yogi and Kabeer

Yogi and Kabeer always fill our hearts with love when they appear in our feed. They host the first Hinglish-speaking podcast Shuddh Desi Gay. With this channel, they hope to spread serenity and hopefully connect with other people in the same community. Their podcast focuses on creating a community of acceptance and understanding for those who feel different and isolated.


It is inspiring to read the stories of these Indian LGBTQ individuals who are resilient, determined, and committed to making a difference in their community. Through activism, art, and entrepreneurship, they have challenged stereotypes, broken barriers, and made India a more inclusive and accepting place. They continue to inspire and empower countless individuals, making society and the LGBTQ community stronger.