A narcissist abuser, like many other psychological abusers, may be so subtle and insidious that you are unaware of their actions. That’s why it’s very important to ask: what is a narcissist? A person who feels unreasonably high importance is said to have narcissism. Unless you’re careful, a relationship with a narcissist can have serious consequences for your mental health and could cause serious trauma.

The following are 8 warning signs (narcissistic behavior examples) to watch out for if your partner is a narcissist:

1. Charming, but for themselves.

With their charismatic personalities, they will make you feel special right away. They will do their best to win you over with their charm.

2. Requires instant gratification.

They will be self-absorbed and self-centered all the time, expecting all their needs to be met instantly. They might argue with you if you don’t do what they want, answer their calls or texts immediately, or don’t behave the way they want you to.

3. ‘Entitlement’ is their thing.

Observe their behavior if you visit a restaurant with them—they seem to believe the world revolves around them. To spot this, look at how they act with the waiters. Narcissism is picking mistakes and making people embarrassed.

4. Talk about themselves a lot.

An easy way to identify a narcissist is to watch if they want to speak or listen. Narcissists enjoy exaggerating and enthusiastically describing themselves. Narcissism is evident when they dominate the conversation every time you mention something.

5. Unreliable.

They will break promises, not follow through on appointments, and fail to fulfill any agreements.

6. They don’t commit.

They usually don’t commit to you. They take advantage of your relationship, but they also keep an eye on outside opportunities.

7. Breaking the law all the time.

Most narcissists think they make their own rules. They don’t care what the rules are around them, and think everyone should follow the rules they set. Cutting lines, stealing office supplies, breaking multiple appointments, and disobeying traffic laws are signs to watch.

8. They resort to gaslighting.

The most common thing narcissists do is make people doubt their own instincts or sanity. By denying your feelings and memories have value or have ever happened, they deflect responsibility and invalidate your feelings.

There you go, these are some signs to watch out for in a partner who is exhibiting Narsisstics. If you suspect that your partner is a narcissist, you do not have to tolerate their behavior. Get advice from your family and friends about the relationship before making a decision. Remember that you are not alone and that there is help available.