Solo travel or traveling with a partner? It’s a common dilemma we face when planning a trip. Do we go it alone or do we take along a companion with us to share the ride with?

Traveling solo versus traveling with a partner each has its perks and drawbacks. Solo travel can be a great opportunity for self-discovery and growth while couple travel can be a more thrilling and memorable experience. So, let’s take a closer look at every difference:

Solo Travel Pros

1. Making your own decisions at your own pace.

As a solo traveler, you won’t have to worry about anything when you’re on your own. Being your own boss is super liberating and you can set your own schedule exactly as you want.

2. More open to becoming friends with locals.

You can take your time to explore and experience the place as you wish. You also get to meet more locals, as people are often more open to chatting with solo travelers. This can be a great way to learn more about the culture and customs of your destination.

3. It is more portable.

Solo travel gives you the opportunity to explore places that others cannot. With solo travel, you can also design your own itinerary and customize it to your own preferences and interests. You can stay in one place longer to explore or move quickly through a city, depending on what you feel like doing.

4. Accommodations could be cheaper.

Traveling solo also means that you don’t have to worry about anyone else’s comfort or budget. You can choose to stay in a dorm or a budget hotel and still get the same quality of service. Additionally, you don’t have to worry about splitting the bill with anyone else, which can help you to save even more money.

5. Your strengths will be revealed.

A lot of challenges come with traveling alone. The mere act of getting out of your comfort zone can have a profound impact on your well-being. By traveling alone, you will push your limits higher, learn more about yourself, and go out of your comfort zone, preparing you to confront life’s challenges with confidence.

Solo Travel Cons

1. You’ll feel lonely sometimes.

Even if you are friendly, you will hardly ever make real friends on the road, and sometimes you’ll want someone close to you to confide in, someone to hug you or give you dessert. When traveling solo, it can be difficult to form these kinds of relationships, particularly if you travel too quickly.

2. When you’re sick, no one will take care of you.

You are solely responsible for your own well-being. You may not have access to the same resources you would have at home. It can be difficult to find medical help when needed.

Pros of Couple Travel

1. It is usually cheaper.

One of the best things about couple travel is that you can often find group discounts on activities, excursions, and tours. This allows couples to experience more of what the destination has to offer while staying within their budget. Additionally, splitting the costs of accommodations, transportation, and meals between two people can significantly reduce the overall cost of the trip.

2. You’ll always have someone to help you.

There’s nothing worse than getting sick when you’re traveling. While many have a story about a wonderful fellow traveler or host who really looked after them, some would prefer to just bring their own nurse. Although our partners get sick too, it’s still better to suffer through it together than alone and miserable in a random room out there.

3. Traveling together can make you closer.

Sharing the experience of good times and bad can create a strong bond between people. It can be a great way to learn about each other, build trust, and create memories that last a lifetime. Experiencing life together, whether it be through joy or sorrow, creates a powerful bond.

4. A lot more fun.

Traveling with a partner definitely makes everything a lot more enjoyable and pleasurable. Also, if you enjoy partying or having a good chat with your partner at the restaurant during your meal, this is easier when you travel as a couple!

Cons of Couple Travel

1. Compromise sometimes feels bad.

No matter how compatible your travel companion is or how great your connection is, compromises will always arise.

2. Travel can often ruin weak relationships.

Traveling together gives you the opportunity to observe how your partner behaves in unknown situations and how they react to challenges and stress. It can also reveal how they handle decision-making and how they treat others. Considering these qualities can help you decide whether a relationship is worth continuing.

When the travel ends, the stronger the relationship, the better the chance of it continuing to grow instead of falling apart.


Solo vs. couple travel is ultimately a personal choice. In both cases, you can experience a unique way to discover the world.

An adventure of a lifetime may be waiting for you if you choose to travel solo. If you are looking for a more leisurely and relaxed trip, a companion may be the best choice. Whichever option you choose, have fun and enjoy yourself!