The natural process of puberty is when a child’s body starts getting transforming as an adult.

However, this process starts before an unexpected age and is referred to as early puberty.

For girls, early puberty starts before age 8, and for boys at maybe 9.

Early puberty can lead to physical and emotional problems like behavioral issues, high-stress levels, early sexual activity, and stature in adulthood.

What are the causes of early puberty?

Many factors contribute to its onset:

1. Rising incidence of overweight and obesity: This may alter hormonal levels and increase pubertal timings. Lack of physical activity and excessive exposure to media can suppress melatonin levels. It triggers their pubertal development.

2. Some diets that are rich in processed foods: This includes meat and dairy which contribute to early puberty and can lead to obesity.

3. Endocrine-disrupting substances (EDS) which are common these days: These can be found in plastics, pesticides, and other industrial chemicals which also help in tampering with the body’s hormonal systems. And it leads to early puberty.

4. Soya contains isoflavones which help in transforming the body into phytoestrogens. These are the compounds that resemble the estrogen hormone. Gender plays a crucial role since females are more likely to experience precocious puberty.

What is precocious puberty?

The puberty which takes place early is known as precocious puberty.

This means that a child’s physical signs of sexual maturity grow at a tender age. This includes public hair, breasts, and voice changes. These are also known as secondary sexual characteristics and they can happen to girls at 8 and in boys at 9.

Causes of precocious puberty:

This is caused by tumors or growths on the ovaries, pituitary glands, adrenal glands, or brain.

Other causes include central nervous system issues, genetic syndromes, and history of diseases.

Two types of precocious puberty:

1. Gonadotrophin-dependent: This is very common puberty and happens in most girls and half of the boys. This puberty happens by the early secretion of hormones which are called gonadotropins. In girls, precocious puberty can happen due to early maturity of the hypothalamus and ovaries.

2. Gonadotrophin-independent: It is a form of precocious puberty that does not happen by the early release of gonadotrophin.

Instead of this, it is caused by the early secretion of sexual hormones.

What can parents do about it?

1. Breastfeeding is important.

2. Parents should encourage their children to maintain a healthy weight with the help of proper nutrition and by exercising to avoid obesity.

3. Non-fermented soy, should be avoided as it is found in natural supplements.

4. Giving your child a diet high which includes plant foods rather than animal products and limiting their consumption in protein intake and lowering their exposure to EDCs.

6. Eating fresh foods and reducing exposure to added hormones, fertilizers, and pesticides.

7. Avoid dairy products that contain genetically engineered recombinant bovine growth hormones.

8. Encourage your child to focus on social activities and hobbies.

9. Creating a supportive environment and focusing on their social activities.

10. Parents looking at their child’s growth curve and then seeking medical assistance.

The onset of puberty takes place earlier than it used to happen in the past.

And it has both environmental and genetic causes. This trend will affect your children’s emotional and physical health. Hence, parents should take steps to mitigate their child’s growth.