Hi Kiara,

We’ve experienced a few ups and downs in our marriage. Can you please tell me what are some of the ways I can have a blessed relationship and make it last?




Hi Josie,

Having ups and downs can be a nightmare, so let’s look at some ways to make your relationship blissful and last longer.

1. Do what is right.

So if you want to cultivate a blessed relationship with your significant other, pray together righteously as a couple. Pray to earn God’s blessings rather than to gain people’s attention and likes.

2. Follow God’s instructions.

To be righteous in the eyes of god and earn His blessings, obey his commandments. Love god with all your heart, soul, and mind, and love your neighbors as yourself – these are the two greatest commands. When you love your neighbors rather than fighting with them, you can make your relationship more inspiring. It can also help you avoid enemies and bashers.

3. Don’t be evil.

Your relationship cannot be righteous if you continue to commit sins. So stop doing them. Get rid of lies, wrath, greed, envy, and other wickedness. Do your best as a couple to overcome evil together by being honest with each other, understanding each other, forgiving each other, and being grateful.

4. Be a generous couple.

A blessed couple does not have to be rich or have traveled the world together to be considered blessed. You and your significant other are blessed if you are kind and generous. Helping the poor is one of your best relationship goals, so do charitable works and give with a cheerful heart.

5. Let’s make peace.

Your relationship cannot grow and prosper without peace, so get rid of pride, be humble, remove grudges, forgive each other, and always promote peace within and outside your relationship.

6. Put God first.

Worshipping the Lord together keeps couples together. But how do you truly worship the Lord? Is it by praying for Him, singing for Him or going to a house of worship? In order to truly worship God, you must serve him. Thus, as a couple, serve him. Pray and practice His Words, help His people, and give Him glory.

7. Be kind to your enemies.

You need to love your enemies, pray for them, and bless them to get blessings in your life, even though it may be hard to do. Do not trade hate with hatred if you and your significant other fight or quarrel. Be a couple that blesses each other and blesses other people. To receive the blessing of the Lord, do these things.

I wish you a blessed life with the ones you love!

