Spending quality time with our loved ones is super important. In a loving, committed relationship, it’s just the way things go! But what happens when he doesn’t want to spend as much time with you as you would like? It can be pretty painful, can’t it? With busy lives, spending more time is harder to come by. In this article, we will provide some tips on how to get your boyfriend to spend more time with you.

First of all, let me say that this doesn’t necessarily mean he’s less into you than you are to him. We all have our own patterns and preferences when it comes to spending time with others… For example, some people prefer quiet time alone. Plus, it’s totally okay to want to spend more time with your man! But if you want your boyfriend to spend more time with you, you shouldn’t make straight-up demands on him or be passive-aggressive or guilt him into anything. That’s not cute.

Let’s see how you can inspire your man to hang out with you more… and to make it more quality!

One: Do something together.

You may think, “Duh! That’s exactly what I want him to do! Let me explain. Men get together to do things, while women do things just to get together. For men, it’s all about the activity itself. While women do things to congregate and connect with one another. It’s okay for men to want to join too, but the connection is the result of doing something fun. It’s for this reason that so many guys enjoy playing sports together! So think of some fun things you can do with your man. Go hiking, go to a concert or a new brewery that just opened, or go to a baseball game… you get it. Trust that connection will happen when you do something you both enjoy together!

Two: Give him a break from you so he can recharge.

Yes, you’re right! Get him some guy time. Time that doesn’t involve you at all. Getting some guys’ time restores dopamine and testosterone levels. But not forever!

Guess what happens next? In the wake of being away from you for a while, his desire to be with you returns. He wants to spend more time with you.

Many women make their men feel guilty for spending time away from them, criticize them outwardly, play the victim, or become passive-aggressive. If you are a high-quality woman and partner, you will support and encourage his solo and social activities! Your man’s respect and desire for you will skyrocket when you give him independence and freedom.

Three: Make it fun to be around you!

It can be harder to spend alone time together as your life becomes busier and busier. It may be tempting to tackle less fun conversation topics when you do have uninterrupted time together.

There’s a good chance you talk about money or chores that need to be done – not exactly fun topics.

Conversations like these are important, but save them for specific times and make time to actually enjoy each other’s company!

Lastly, keep this nugget in mind: Men view “working on the relationship” conversations as… work.

Remember to watch where your conversation goes when you’re out and about doing something fun, and remember that this is a time carved out for lighthearted fun.

Even if you have “let’s work on us” conversations, make sure to spend plenty of time just having fun.

It’s simple – the more fun you have with him, the more likely he is to want to be around you!

A BONUS TIP for enticing your boyfriend to spend more time with you:

Celebrate your amazing experience with your man when you’re done hanging out! Generally, men gravitate toward places where they feel appreciated for their hard work.

Spending time together will cause him to feel like he’s not measuring up if he’s criticized for doing something wrong. Your celebration will naturally make him want to spend more time with you.

Making your boyfriend spend more time with you can be challenging, but if you’re both on the same page, you’ll succeed. Make sure your relationship is strong and healthy by planning activities with your boyfriend, communicating with him, and prioritizing him. Good luck!