Hi Petrica!

Wishing you a very happy women’s day. I have always admired you because you are a strong and positive person. But tell me one thing Petrica, what do you think are a woman’s greatest strengths? I would like to know your answer to this Petrica.

Thank you!


Hi Julia!

Wishing you a very happy women’s day darling. Thank you so much, Julia. I do not know much about this but my Mother used to tell me that forgiveness, optimism, patience, and perseverance are a woman’s biggest assets.

Patient: I do not know if it is biological, but every woman has this ingredient in her personality. I do not know if it is intellectual as in they actually weigh the pros and cons of being patient as opposed to not and then make a decision, which is guided by wisdom and experience.

The result is that a woman is patient and that ties into optimism. They will believe that things will improve and will get better. Optimism might also exist because they want to give someone the benefit of the doubt and hope they improve and learn from their mistakes.

So, instead of punishing people, they will forgive them. So, these are a few characteristics of women which I feel are some strengths that women display quite often.

Thank you!
