Sending Card QUESTION

Hi Kiara,

How are you? I remember sending greeting cards to my loved ones growing up. Now that we can send them electronically. I’m wondering if it’s really necessary and if I should start sending cards soon.




Hi Josie,

Sending a greeting card has a simple elegance you shouldn’t underestimate. Despite social media, making sending sympathy, well wishes, and congratulations easier, tangible gestures still mean a lot.

Nothing beats the feeling of receiving a greeting card that can make someone feel reassured, cheered, consoled, or even tickled. It shows them you care, no matter what.

That’s why I began sending cards to my boyfriend and family, in the hope of making them smile. Here are some reasons why I think sending greeting cards is still so meaningful!

Reasons to send greeting card:

1. Sending cards is like sending a hug in the mail.

In the modern world when everyone is so busy, it can be hard to keep in touch with friends and family. This is because you don’t get to see them very often. However, sending a birthday or anniversary card can be a perfect way to remain connected. Even though we rely heavily on technology these days, you can’t beat some good old-fashioned letters on your doormat, and a handwritten note is much more personable than reading something off a screen.

2. Be thoughtful and make someone smile.

For some people, receiving a card means a lot. As well as showing your care, it also shows that you have taken a few minutes to choose something that you know they will love. A lot of the best cards can be found for just about any occasion, but some are the ones you send ‘just because’. You can send a card to someone who is going through a difficult time, or if you aren’t sure what to say, it can say it for you.

3. It’s a great way to preserve memories and keepsakes.

Do you have a box hidden away somewhere full of old cards and postcards from friends and family that remind you of special occasions? Most of life’s milestones are marked by a trusty old greeting card! You can even frame some cards and display them all year long!

4. It keeps the tradition alive.

Sending a greeting card is not only a fun way to flex those handwriting skills, but it also helps keep alive the longstanding tradition of sending greeting cards.

So go ahead and delight your loved ones by sending them an emotional and loving card that they’ll cherish forever.

