The pointless argument in a relationship these days is too common. Many people do that, but most of them do not understand it. Everyone knows a couple who keeps on fighting without any reason. So, is this really what to expect in a relationship that is meant to bring companionship and peace?

What if you stop arguing in a relationship? Is it possible? Yes, that is! The core reason for this is expectation. Expectations in a relationship form the basis of whether your things will work or not. But by shifting your mindset, your relationship becomes happy.

Difference between expectations and standards in relationships:

Standards are guidelines that mean what you will accept in the present moment. They represent what you want in your partner. Expectations are what we want to happen in the coming future. There are certain actions we wish someone would take or an event that we wish should happen. When what we expect to happen does not happen, we feel disappointed.

Standards are behind the power of proximity that we are who we surround ourselves with. This is because we will automatically hold ourselves to higher standards if those around us do. There’s nothing wrong with raising your standards. Learning how to accept nothing less than the best is the key to establishing your life and your dreams. And if someone does not meet your standards, you are allowed to move ahead. However, your better half can meet your standards, and still fail to meet your expectations.

Why expectations can cause issues in a relationship?

What we presume a relationship will look like contributes to our partnership. Expectations in a relationship are subjective. They can differ from person to person. Some might expect their partner to take out the garbage, and they would want you to cook every day. But if both people assume the other person knows this automatically without even having a conversation, then it can lead to mental stress.

The problem with expectations in a relationship is that all of us have expectations and sometimes we do not match them. But when both of us are on the same page, we tend to create reasonable expectations in a relationship.

So, how to manage expectations in a relationship?

1. Prioritize appreciating over expectations:

Learn to eliminate expectations for appreciation, and your entire relationship will change. Instead of focusing on the negative, look at your partner’s positive qualities. Your relationship will sustain for a long. If you pay attention, there is always something to appreciate. What was the first thing that attracted you in the first place?  Love, warmth, and kindness, right? So, try to appreciate them by eliminating negativity.

2. Expressing compassionate nature:

Compassion is always at the top list of any relationship. To successfully navigate any relationship, always demonstrate compassion by choosing love over expectations. Always learn to manage expectations in a relationship, which keeps your love and kindness intact.

3. Showing respect:

Respect is the basis of any relationship. To respect means to value the other person’s perspective, which is the basis of effective communication. To show respect for your partner, make sure that you never correct them. Instead, you can seek a playful, empathetic way to flip an argument.  Find solutions without creating tension.

4. Demonstrating consideration:

Healthy relationships work on consideration. To show consideration, always make sure that you value your relationship over relationship rules. This is a real stickler when it comes to what to expect in a relationship because it is easy to view the rules as the crux of any relationship.

5. Spending time with your partner:

Spending quality time with your better half is one of the most reasonable things in a relationship. Do not let your partnership become a side note. Always take time to reinforce your connection under challenging times. When you create rituals that plaster your sense of connection, you always demonstrate that your relationship is your top priority.

6. Never question the nature of your relationship and your partner:

One of the most important aspects of managing expectations in your relationships is questioning your partner’s intent. When you question the intent of your relationship, it degrades trust which takes a toll on your relationship. Just because you are facing an issue does not mean your relationship is a problem.

7. Never compare your relationship to other’s relationships:

Never compare your relationship with others, it does not work like that. If you do this, you are ignoring your unique personality and needs without valuing what makes your partnership special and unique. Do not adopt other couples’ standards, instead, try to work with your partner and develop your relationship.