Is your diet packed with seafood? Sadly, most of us do not. However, despite all the studies showing the benefits of eating seafood at dinner, many families still prefer poultry or red meat.

It is unfortunate since seafood is usually low in calories and rich in nutrients. And crab is one of the best kinds of seafood for being low in fat and calories. Although crab meat is an essential part of some forms of cuisine, like Chinese, it isn’t consumed as commonly in the United States.

This Champion Crab Races Day, coming on 17 February, promise yourself to give yourself the good health you deserve and tuck into a tasty crab. Here are a few reasons why!

1. Keep your heart healthy.

When it comes to your heart, crab is a great food to eat since its nutrients help reduce your bad cholesterol levels. The chromium in crabs contributes to the increase of HDL (good cholesterol) in your body – reducing the risk of stroke and heart disease. Approximately 45% of your recommended weekly omega-3 intake can be found in 100g of crab, and omega-3s support the health of your heart, among other things.

2. Boosts immunity.

Crab meat is packed with important nutrients that support a strong immune system, including omega-3 fatty acids, copper, and selenium. Strong immunity will help your body fight infections, free radicals, and cancer. There is 30 times more copper in crab meat than in cod and over 56 times more copper in salmon and chicken!

3. Contains a lot of protein.

Muscles, bones, and the entire body depend on protein – the body constantly breaks down protein, so it is essential to consume this nutrient to rebuild muscles and tissues. Crab provides all 20 amino acids your body needs, so get cracking!

4. A source of selenium.

There is no doubt that shellfish are fantastic sources of selenium. However, crab is the real star with 3 times as much as cod and 12 times as much as beef. As an antioxidant, selenium protects cells from damage by preventing oxidative stress. Aside from supporting healthy immunity, selenium may also protect thyroid function and reduce certain kinds of cancer.

5. Enhances mental activity.

Crab meat not only supports physical health but also mental alertness. In addition to omega-3s, zinc, and vitamin B2, they can improve cognitive function, improve concentration, and delay the development of psychological diseases associated with aging.

FAQs on crabs.

What crabs are good to eat?

In the UK, brown crab is the most common crab species consumed. You can choose brown crabs as one of the most sustainable seafood options.

Can crabs help me lose weight?

With such a low-calorie content and a high protein content, crab is an excellent choice if you’re looking to lose weight. It depends on how you prepare it (don’t use butter!) but, due to its low fat and carbohydrate content, it’s a very nutritious and carb-free food.

Is crab meat freezer-friendly?

Yes, of course! Properly wrapped crabs can be stored in the freezer for up to three months in an airtight container or heavy-duty freezer bag. Freshly cooked crabs should be consumed within three days of cooking.

So, go on… give yourself a break and enjoy this sensational shellfish! Not only is it delicious, but it has amazing health benefits as well. You can even find delicious crab recipes online. Eating seafood a couple of times a week is beneficial to your overall health, so make sure to include it on your menu!