Wondering on how to bring back the spark in your relationship?? Why not ask Kiara?

Hi everyone.
This is something I really wanted to write about. Thanks for bringing this up!

Anyone who has been in a committed relationship for a significant amount of time can attest to the
fact that all partnerships experience ups and downs, closeness and distance, intimacy and isolation.
These stages are a completely normal part of any relationship and can be caused by a number of
different factors, including your or your partner’s stress levels, the relationship’s young age, or a
degree of shattered trust. Sometimes we return to intimacy and connection organically, but other
times you have to intentionally break out of a rut! Whatever the initial cause of this rut was, there
are concrete measures you can do to rekindle your emotional and physical closeness and bring the
fire back to your relationship.


Here are some helpful suggestions to help reignite the spark:

Together, try something new
Relationships frequently lose their spark because you and your spouse get stuck in the same old
routine and patterns. When you get overly at ease in your relationship, it might be simple to take
your partner for granted. It’s important to make sure that your comfort in your relationship doesn’t
lead you to ignore your partner or give up on the possibility of a little excitement. Getting
comfortable in your relationship is nothing to be ashamed of, in fact, it’s one of the best aspects of
being in a committed relationship.

Trying something new together is a great way to inject some enthusiasm into a tired or comfortable
relationship. Finding a new hobby, TV programme, or activity that you and your partner like might
allow you schedule extra quality time together while making a healthy change to your routine.
More compliments and uplifting statements

Along with everything else that is physical in a relationship, it is crucial that you support your
partner. You may be more or less likely to verbally compliment and affirm your partner depending
on your personality type and love language. It is crucial to include praise and positive affirmations in
your relationship if this describes you or even if you already enjoy giving verbal affirmations. Inform
your partner of your love for them, your pride in them, and your appreciation for the little things
they do. There is no praise too little!

It’s not necessary to go overboard and complement their socks, but you should be sincere and foster
love and support in your relationship. You and your partner can recover from issues of broken trust
that have caused a slump by creating this safe zone. Giving your partner more appreciation is a
terrific idea even if you are not experiencing a slump. You are in a relationship to improve one
another as humans, after all! Accept this and regularly express to your mate all the qualities you like
about them.

More physical contact

It’s crucial to keep up some physical touch in your relationship, even through trying times or after
you’ve been dating for some time. Physical contact can take the form of hugging, cuddling, back
rubs, massages, and other general touching, and it need not imply intimacy (more on that below).
Making physical contact with your spouse might make them feel secure and close to you. You can
preserve a romantic relationship by continuing to have a loving and physical relationship.
You can concentrate on improving your physical connection with your partner every day. Little daily
gestures like these will increase your physical intimacy over time and can prevent future slumps. Rub
their shoulders while they’re waiting for the kettle to boil, squeeze their arm when you pass, and kiss
their cheek before you leave.

Consider relationship counselling
It might be very difficult to determine the exact reason for a slump at times. It might be challenging
to rekindle that spark you once felt, even if you uncover the underlying problem and employ the
aforementioned suggestions and tricks. If so, it might be time to seek the assistance of some

I hope this helps anyone reading this blog.
