Hi Kiara!

 I hope you are doing fine. Thank you so much for your last email. I was moved beyond words. I liked how you answered my query with relative ease. But Kiara, you know sometimes we cannot control what is happening in our life. Sometimes people come and go and other times, they break your trust. So, why do people break your trust? Can you answer this question?

Thank you!


Hi Casey!

I am doing great, what about you? I hope things are better on your end. Well, trust is the core of every healthy relationship. It provides an environment of confidence in a relationship. When we trust someone our fears are greatly reduced. There are too many reasons behind this. Some do it purposely, while others do it by mistake. But if someone breaks your trust, then you learn from it. You recognize people and keep growing. Also, it makes us realize that people are not mature enough to handle the responsibility of trust. So, learn from those betrayals, and move on.

And keep smiling Casey, I can feel you!

