Hi Amanda,

I have discovered that what we do on New Year’s Day affects our entire year. So, I would like to know what myths and superstitions are associated with the new year so I can choose one wisely.




Hi Josie,

New Year is known for its joyous spirit, but it is also known for its myths and symbols. No New Year is complete without discussing the superstitions and legends surrounding it. New Year’s stories and make-believe tales have evolved over the years. Below are some of the most popular New Year superstitions:

Crazy New Year’s superstitions:

Kissing in the midnight hour.

One of the most popular beliefs in the world is to kiss your loved ones at midnight. A gift like this shows how much you care for your loved ones and exudes warmth and affection. One full year is said to be the length of a cold relationship between those who fail to comply.

Paying off old and unpaid bills.

Unpaid debts or unresolved balances should not mark the beginning of the New Year. It is always advisable to settle all money matters before the end of the year. Hence, it is time to bury the past and begin anew, so it is advisable to pay off debts before January 1.

A brand-new wardrobe.

In the New Year, it is believed that one should wear brand-new clothes. In addition to being auspicious, you can also jazz up your wardrobe with a steady flow of new clothes all year long!

Noisy sounds.

Making loud noises will not only make you feel good but is also believed to ward off evil spirits, ensuring a hassle-free New Year.

Paying out your money.

Do not repay loans or lend money to anyone on January 1. This indicates that you will be paying all year long and money will flow out, instead of the other way around.

Injuries and damage.

If you break or wreck something in the New Year, you will have a damaging New Year. Thus, ‘wreck’ will be your constant companion. Also, you should remain cheerful and happy on the first day of the new year so that you will have a happy, prosperous year in the future.

A first-time visitor.

According to popular belief, the first person to enter your home determines the kind of year you will have. On New Year’s Eve, it is considered lucky to have a tall, dark-haired man enter your home. An individual like this should be treated with warmth and generosity. Avoid blondes and redheads because they bring bad luck. Plus, it is bad luck if a woman enters your home first, so try not to open the door to them!

Black-eyed peas and cabbage.

As a symbol of good fortune, black-eyed peas are usually served with cabbage or turnip greens, symbols of money. In other words, eating black-eyed peas along with cabbage or turnip greens will ensure a happy and prosperous new year.

In conclusion, these were some superstitions that you should know about before January 1st. Give them a try and see if any of them resonate with you as you celebrate the new year. Wishing you all a happy and prosperous new year.

