Hi Petrica!

           I hope you had an amazing time at your sister’s wedding. Well, it’s been quite a long we haven’t spoken. The last time when we did a video call, I had a couple of questions to ask, but couldn’t confront them. So, Petrica, tell me does making New Year’s resolutions really help us? I would be waiting for you to answer this question.



Hi Sophie!

Yes, I had the best time at my sister’s wedding. I hope you had an amazing time in New York. So, coming back to your question, well, I do not know about others, but for me, making new year’s resolutions forces me to spend some reflective time thinking about how things are going. This then results in a list of things I need to do, not do, or do in some other way.

Making New Year’s resolutions has never lasted and contributed more to a feeling of inadequacy or failure. But, making resolutions and sticking to them is great and useful and is a general guide throughout the year. So, it depends on the person making it. I hope, this justifies your question.

