Hi Amanda,

As winter arrives, not only do I dread the cold, but also my rapid weight gain. Could you give me some tips on how I can control my appetite in the winter and avoid gaining weight?




Hi Josie,

The cold weather puts us in a hibernation state, where we tend to get sluggish and spend most of our time at home. We all crave warm soups, hot chocolate, and many other hearty foods and drinks that add calories to our diet during winter.

It can be challenging at times to control your appetite and keep your weight under control during winter, but following these simple steps will help you do it.

1. Eat mindfully. It is easy to unconsciously overeat while watching television or working on a computer; while watching your favorite movie, you finish a whole pizza before you realize it. Furthermore, eating quickly can lead to digestive problems. Whenever you eat, set aside a special time away from your workstation, your TV, or your mobile device. While eating, chew slowly and engage all of your senses. When you eat slowly instead of in a hurry, you will enjoy food more.

2. Make soup a part of your lunch menu. During the cold winter months, there is nothing more soothing than a warm and delicious cup of soup. You will feel fuller after eating stews or soups, and accordingly, eat less to satisfy your appetite. 

3. Eat foods that boost your mood. We feel how we eat. There are several healthy alternatives to chips and donuts that can help fight the winter blues instead of a big bag of chips or a box of donuts. Among the foods, you can snack on are bananas, berries, dark chocolate, nuts, bell peppers, and avocados.

4. Stay hydrated. Winter is a time when people tend to drink less water than in summer. If you drink water 15 minutes before every meal, your stomach will not feel empty and you will not overeat. The body can also confuse hunger with thirst, which may seem surprising. Your body receives mixed signals from dehydration, causing you to believe you need to eat when in fact you need to drink more water. For a taste fusion, slice some lemons or fruits if you don’t like water.

However, remember that your body is yours alone, and not for others to judge or criticize. No one should tell you how much weight you need to lose or how much you have gained. Get comfortable in your skin. Drop those kilos only if they cause you discomfort, and not for anyone else’s sake.

