A stress-busting strategy starts with nurturing yourself every day. It’s the secret to a healthy mind, body, and spirit. Thus, nurturing yourself is more than a luxury; it’s a necessity. But we often feel guilty when we take time for ourselves.

The idea of self-care on a daily basis might seem radical, as you have always been taught to put others before yourself.

Know this: taking care of yourself means taking care of others better.

Self-care is neither indulgent nor selfish. There is no room for guilt here. Your to-do list should simply prioritize this task. For guilt-free self-care, here are five tips:

Fill your cup.

Clearly, you can’t fill a cup from an empty one. Have you ever filled someone else’s cup with your empty one? No. So, why do we attempt to help others when we can barely handle our own needs? A full cup energizes you and allows you to experience the moment fully. Self-care enables you to support others and serve with an open heart.

Schedule me-time.

Putting yourself first is the most important thing. Only when you take care of yourself will you be at your peak. Check out your schedule right now. How about 20-30 minutes of self-care? Wouldn’t that be a great addition to your day? Spend time relaxing and unwinding, learning new things, being open to exploring possibilities, and even simple things like getting your hair cut or wearing clothes you love.

Get grounded.

Our relationship with the natural world has completely broken down. Do you remember the last time you stepped on grass, dirt, or sand? A 10-minute earthing session nourishes and restores the system. It’s like electrical nutrition for the body. You can also purchase earthing blankets, mattress pads, pads, etc., which bring the power of the earth into your home.

Take it easy.

We must let go of our guilt and understand the importance of self-care. Remember tip number one and take deep breaths. YES, YOU DESERVE IT.

Don’t be afraid to say no.

We are all good at saying yes to everything, regardless of the cost to ourselves. Let’s take advantage of that ability and start saying yes to no. Whenever you are too tired or have a lot on your plate, just say no. It is okay to say no without explaining why. If you lose friends because of your refusal, you might rethink whether they’re actually your friends.

By prioritizing self-care, we set an example for those around us. We need to teach our children and friends what it means to be healthy. Decide which of those things you would like to incorporate into your daily routine. Choose one thing to start with and start small. It can be the smallest thing, but make sure you do it every day.