In the weeks leading up to Thanksgiving, we seem to get swept up in all the delicious aromas that we anticipate: turkey, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie, and so on, along with parades, turkey trots, and football.

Wouldn’t it be nice if we could celebrate in the office too? Getting your employees a full-blown feast doesn’t show how much you appreciate what they do. Whether your employees work in-house or remotely, the following 6 Thanksgiving employee engagement ideas will help them start off the holiday season on the right foot. Find the perfect Thanksgiving office ideas with our suggestions:

Let’s start with gratitude.

As its name suggests, Thanksgiving is a holiday of thanks. Now is the ideal time to express gratitude to your employees and encourage them to reciprocate. Why don’t you share something you’re thankful for about your team at your final Zoom happy hour before the holiday weekend? Sending employees off in this way ensures a refreshed and energized outlook when they return.

Organize a Thanksgiving potluck at work.

Consider hosting a potluck for your team in the spirit of togetherness! You can bring anything you want to a Thanksgiving potluck at work, depending on the type of event. Thanksgiving could be a tasty affair if your company provides the turkey (and a vegetarian or vegan entrée) and everyone brings side dishes and desserts. If you want to spice things up, you can choose a theme. If you’d like to explore other cultures’ foods, ask everyone to bring their favorite Thanksgiving dish.

Plan a family photo contest.

You can also get your remote workforce involved in the Thanksgiving festivities. Hold a contest for the best Thanksgiving family photos! Create a variety of categories, including the cutest dog, the funniest family photo, the best out-of-the-box celebration, and more. It will stir up conversation among your employees and get them to know each other better.

Try your hand at drawing a turkey.

Put employees’ arts and crafts skills to the test by drawing the best turkey hand! On each finger, write what you’re thankful for, and vote for the funniest or heartwarming illustrations. 

Host a gratitude event.

What would be one meaningful way to elevate your office celebrations? Hire a guest speaker to teach your team gratitude workshops. Your Thanksgiving potluck or party will be enhanced by this impactful idea. An event like this can strongly and consistently lead to happier workplaces. The feeling of gratitude improves one’s health, helps one cope with adversity, and strengthens relationships.

Join in on a Thanksgiving craft.

Kids aren’t the only ones who enjoy Thanksgiving crafts. You can build relationships with your team by doing something creative together. Start by gathering the materials for in-person crafting or give employees a supply budget to DIY over Zoom.

  • Make table centerpieces using flowers, pumpkins, succulents, and more.
  • Prepare materials for making autumnal paper lanterns.
  • Keep the thanksgiving going all year long by decorating gratitude jars.

These were just a few ideas that we hope you liked. Whether you celebrate Thanksgiving in the office or at home, we wish you a successful and joyous event! And don’t forget to let us know how your office celebrated Thanksgiving with your team!