1. Giving more recognition and praise:

It is not always about money or extrinsic rewards. Why? Many people leave organizations because of a lack of appreciation. Your employees get a kick out of public or private praise. So, motivate your employees with rewards, as this is one way to recognize their efforts.

2. Setting clear objectives and goals:

It is difficult for employees to give their best if the task keeps on changing frequently. So, communicate your expectations clearly and set precise goals.

3. Being future driven:

Analyzing the past is an important aspect to project the future. But just focussing only on employees’ progress is not enough in a fast-paced world. You also need to study the future. Always use management techniques such as Progress, Plans, and Problems.

4. Seeking inputs and ideas:

More often than you think, decisions are made without any input. This strategy might save you time, but it does not assure success. Also, it is ok to not be the smartest person. You can always ask for input from people who are around you.

5. Giving continuous feedback:

As tasks keep growing and getting complex, people genuinely need feedback. Employees need to feel that they are always heard by their seniors and they need it more often than twice a year.

6. Measuring satisfaction:

 All these tips would be meaningless if you fail to measure their success. Although it would be great if it were true that one could verify that 2 pieces of feedback a week would increase employee satisfaction, it is not the case. You are responsible for figuring out the exact things.

7. Asking out emotions:

Do not mix giving praise and providing feedback with masking emotions. The two are different. The first two would relate to the result, and the other two relate to the journey. You will be surprised by what you learn about your team when you ask them questions that are emotions based.

8. Saving time in meetings:

One of the biggest employee motivation killers is the wastage of time. Holding a poorly prepared meeting that lasts for hours keep on wasting everyone’s time. So, prepare for meetings; try replacing unnecessary meetings with something productive.

9. Do not be too negative about anything:

   Constructive feedback is required, even if it is negative, but regular criticizing will take down even the strongest. People have a greater recall for unpleasant memories than positive memories. To keep your people happy, just be positive and lead by example.

10. Communicating very bluntly:

Always try to maintain internal communication. It plays a big role in a successful network. Share your weekly plans and thoughts. It will encourage an open atmosphere. So, only after mastering the skill of sharing openly, you can expect the same from your team.

11. Bonus: 

Team building activities are an often-overlooked perk that keeps on engaging employees and boosting their morale. As an employer, you are showing your employees that you want to invest in their well-being. Also, make sure that you tell them that work is just not everything. It also helps you build strong bonds with your team.

We hope that these tips will make your team grow and will not let your employees leave your employees too.