Surprises make kids happy, especially when they are celebrated at the beginning of the week. But as we all know, the weekdays are usually quite busy for moms and dads with chores and work, and children with schoolwork. There is barely any time to enjoy yourself. As a result, on this Children’s Day, which happens to fall on Monday this year, you can still make it a wonderful occasion for your children by showing them how much you care from the heart.

We’ve got some amazing ideas for surprising your children on Children’s Day. Get ready to have a blast.

1. Make a treasure hunt plan.

When you come home from work, wish your child a happy Children’s Day and tell them that there will be a treasure hunt to celebrate the day. You could hide a new book, toy, or anything they like in a corner of the house and provide clues around the house. Also, make sure you cheer them on with encouraging signs and they will be pleasantly surprised to see the small gift you left behind.

2. Plan a surprise cake party!

Every child enjoys getting a cake for their birthday and cutting it at midnight. Why not celebrate Children’s Day with a surprise cake party? You can buy a small cake that says ‘Happy Children’s Day,’ and your child’s name on it. Have them cut it at night. If possible, invite some of their closest friends over. Their joy and surprise will be worth it. Put on some dance music, prepare some kid-friendly snacks, and get the party started!

3. Make your way to the arcade.

In an arcade, not only are the kids going to have a blast, but even you will have a great time spending time there. Aside from the prizes, fun games, and goodies you’ll find in arcades, you’ll also have the opportunity to spend some quality time with your kids. Also, you can treat them to mouthwatering snacks, ice cream, and sodas, and we guarantee that they will have an unforgettable Children’s Day.

4. Give a crayon holder as a gift.

It’s always fun for children to receive interesting presents, and a homemade gift from their parents definitely tops the list. Make them a DIY crayon holder and watch their faces light up with delight.

5. Give your house a new look with kids!

You can do this by pretending that there is a power outage in the house and letting your kids use candles to decorate the house. When it’s dark, you can tell motivating stories using torches. You can also make your children become cave explorers by pretending your house is a cave and exploring it inside.

6. Become a tree planter.

You can best help your child grow by encouraging him or her to take an interest in nature. Make your Child’s Day memorable by planting a tree or at least a flower plant to celebrate the day while saving our environment.

7. Give your child a taste of your childhood.

You can take advantage of this year’s Children’s Day by sharing your childhood memories with your children. By making a photo album, you will be able to show them a glimpse of your carefree childhood days. All of you can sit together and look through the family album together. Make your pictures more exciting and fun by adding some embarrassing stories and your kids will surely enjoy them. Innocent, naughty, and equally silly stories about their parents are always loved by kids.

We hope that the above collection of ideas will be sure to impress you. The most important thing to remember here is that celebrating Children’s Day means spending time with and sharing love with children. It can be your children or children from a local orphanage. Don’t hesitate to visit any slum area and give gifts to the children. Also, your children will enjoy this activity and remember it forever.