If you were asked to go back to the last conversation with your partner, what would that be about? Maybe, you might end up thinking about the conversation you had this morning when the two of you hurried about the house, making toast, sipping coffee, and trying to find the right jeans to go with the one top you really wanted to wear. Or perhaps it was this afternoon when you texted one another to arrange who would pick up the groceries next.

But regardless of the details of that last conversation, more chances of it are being along the lines of “what do you want for dinner tonight?” rather than “you’re the best partner”. Yes, that’s completely normal but at the same time it’s also worth remembering that showing your partner more appreciation is one of the best and easiest ways to ensure that your relationship stays healthy and wonderful throughout time.
And fortunately, this appreciation does not require a grand gesture – it’s more about the little things that you can do for your partner. So, here we have some tips for you to follow to show some extra love to your wife this Wife’s Appreciation Day (and everyday!)

1) Identify your Wife’s love language
There are many different ways of giving and receiving love. Words of Affirmation, Physical Touch, Receiving gifts, are some of the well known forms of love languages. So, identifying yours and your partner’s love language can open up the best possible way of loving and appreciating them in ways that matters the most to them. Surrounding your actions around that particular form of love language will let your husband/wife know how much they mean to you!

2) Small Gestures could make Big Differences
It is important to stop and value your partner – here and there over the course of the day, consistently. Those little minutes eventually amount to the Big Thing: showing her that you really care and are grateful that she is a major part of your life. Assuming you discard those daily moments, you may at last make an impression that her existence in your life does not make any difference to you, however much you realize they do where it counts! So, focus on those little gestures. Incline toward them. Get them going. They matter more than you think.

3) Be Specific when you Compliment
Take your time to consider the precise details you want your spouse to know because the specific statements have a tendency to ring true the most. Why are they the best at that particular time—did they make you feel good about yourself at a particularly low point? Did they cheer you up just as you sensed yourself moving towards a tunnel of darkness? Or did they simply take out the trash when you had a hard day and were unable to do it yourself? Try to be more precise when thanking them for the specific thing they did, no matter how big or tiny it was.

4) Write Her Appreciation Notes!
Writing notes of appreciation is one of the best ways to let your wife know how grateful you are for her. One of the fun ways of doing this is writing notes inside capsule letter pills! You can write all the notes, roll them up and ask your wife to pick one every day! She could start her day with one of those pills which will either make her laugh, put a smile on her face, or will let her know how special she is to you.

5) Let her have sufficient Me-Time
Spare time becomes a rare thing with everyday tasks, job, and kids. So, you can show your appreciation by carving out time on the calendar for your wife. At this specific time, let her have some alone time, doing things she love, following her passion and more. While you could take care of all the other responsibilities during this time.

6) Plan her a Surprise with your kids
It would be excellent if you started teaching your kids to appreciate their mothers as soon as possible. This might be done by organising a surprise party or gift for her with them.

7) Having a Common Gratitude Journal
You and your partner both keep a journal that is easily accessible around the house, like your kitchen counter or desk, and you both jot down brief notes of appreciation for each other every couple of days. These notes can be anything from “thank you for making the bed today” to song lyrics that you are certain your partner knows by heart to straightforward “I love yous.”

8) Show Teamwork at Household Chores
Always be willing to help your wife. By being mindful of when she becomes fatigued, you can also acknowledge her efforts. Yes, you can be exhausted from work as well, but everything will go much more smoothly if there are more people helping. So, establish a routine where you divide the work of caring for your home and children.

9) Be there for her
It wouldn’t be difficult for you to be available for your wife if you truly appreciated all that she has given up and done to be a good partner to you. Be ready to devote time to her whenever she requests it, just as you would while she is unwell.

10) Say it out Loud!
The easiest, most straightforward approach to express your thanks to your spouse is to say “thank you” more frequently. It’s simple to forget to express gratitude to your spouse for little, seemingly unimportant chores. But you’ll discover that, especially if your partner has been feeling overwhelmed, your thankfulness can change the way he or she perceives these responsibilities. Those two straightforward words require very little work, but they have a big impact.