Hi Kiara,

Do you have any tips on how to make my angry girlfriend smile? When my girlfriend is angry, there’s nothing more frustrating than that. I can help her calm down easier when I know the reason. However, I have no idea why she is angry this time, making handling her emotions difficult. Would you be able to help me?




Hi John,

The reason why some girls are irritated is not always apparent. Even though we have arguments sometimes, we shouldn’t let her stay angry and sad. If your girlfriend is irritated at you, make her smile by communicating her heart. As smiles are contagious, you will most likely end up smiling yourself if you can get your girlfriend to smile.

It is very easy to make a beautiful smile for your girlfriend if you follow these steps. Let’s see how!

1. Make her smile with a nice dinner.

Is the stomach the way to people’s hearts? Yes. It’s a way of forging bonds. But what if you’re not a culinary magician? You can make plenty of easy dishes that require little effort, like the viral TikTok pasta recipe. Also, you can buy ready-made ingredients and mix them over wine. It only takes a little bit of effort which is what matters most to make your girlfriend smile!

2. Hold her hand while walking.

Did your girlfriend have a busy day at work? Does she have a lot of pressure? Go for a walk as a way to unwind. While walking, you can just hold her hand. In fact, it’s been proven that it makes girls feel more comfortable, relaxed, and safe. She will smile just by doing that!

3. Set a date for her.

While planning dates together and deciding where to go for dinner or what movie to watch is pleasant, sometimes it’s nice to let someone else handle it. You can combine her favorite things: a trip to her favorite restaurant, a stroll through the city, a movie, or something else she likes. It’s all about taking the initiative: she’ll love it!

4. Bring flowers anyway!

There’s more to a good relationship than just Valentine’s Day. Just to show her you care, surprise your girl with a bouquet. Don’t forget to write a heartfelt card as well!

5. Caress her hair.

When you play with someone’s hair, especially in a loving way, they release oxytocin, the hormone that makes them feel good. You can run your fingers through her hair or twirl them. She’ll feel better and relax!

6. Don’t treat her differently around friends.

Everybody wants to be treated equally in front of other people. If you are with her friends, don’t act as if you are “too cool” for her. Be the same with her. Showing her that you care about her even in front of your friends, she will be deeply touched!

7. Compliment her often.

Probably your girl takes time and effort to look good for you. Tell her how lovely she looks, but avoid being generic. Does her skin look glowing? Is her hair looking great? Give her a specific suggestion – she’ll love it!

So there you have it: putting a smile on your girlfriend’s face isn’t hard at all. It is very easy to deepen the relationship between you and your girl if you follow these simple steps. Best wishes and don’t forget to keep me notified!

