One of the most beautiful things that man had created in this world is his relationships. Yes, it is one of the most beautiful things in the world, and at the same time the most delicate one. We make mistakes, and still we evolve from them. Relationships are difficult to maintain. They project everything we feel about ourselves. Also, at times have you ever been disappointed in relationships because someone did not meet your expectations? Yes, this is a very vast subject that needs your timely refreshment. So, here are the things you should do to have peaceful, loving relationships.

1.) Doing what needs to be done for yourself:

Everyone has their personal needs, like going to the gym after work, taking some ‘ME’ time on a Saturday morning, etc. So, if someone asks you to do something and your instinct is to honor your demands, then you should do that. We are not saying you to make sacrifices, but it is essential to look after yourself.

2.) Giving people the benefit of doubt:

It might be tempting to doubt people. Like, your friend making you feel inadequate by flaunting his money. People who care about you would like to make you feel happy, even if they are caught up in their problems to show it well. So, if you want to get goodwill, you can share it by seeing the best in the people you care about.

3.) Looking at yourself for the issues first:

So, when you feel unhappy with yourself, it gets very easy to find the wrong in a relationship. If you blame someone else for what you are feeling, then the solution is on them. But this is not the right logic. So, next time when you feel the need to blame someone for your feelings-make sure you ask yourself if there is something else, going wrong. Take the responsibility for the problem and derive a solution from it.

4.) Always be mindful of projecting:

Projecting means the denial of your traits and then showcasing them to the outside world. For example, if you are not a loyal friend, you might assume that your friends are all out to get you. It is a defense mechanism that allows you to avoid the discomfort of addressing your weakness. There is a faster way to put an end to your relationships. Then it’s time for self-awareness. So, always acknowledge your flaws. If you continue seeing them in everyone around you, then you will continue to get hurt. 

5.) Choosing your battles:

Everyone knows someone who makes everything a fight. Some people like to fight and maybe channel the negativity they carry around them. On one hand, you need to tell people what is bothering you by addressing your problems.

6.) Confronting compassionately and clearly

When you attack someone, their only instinct at that time will be to get defensive, which leads you nowhere. You simply end up having a loud conversation where two people just try to prove their point. It is more likely to share that you both are stubborn to accept your flaws.

If you approach someone with compassion, then they will open their mind and heart. You simply have to show your love and care. And when you show people what they need at the right time, they will more likely give you that attention.

7.) Do not be afraid to be vulnerable:

There are ways when you can be vulnerable in your relationships. When you are honest about your past, when you express your feelings for someone or admit to making a mistake- you do not do all this because you want a sense of power. It is because you want to maintain that authenticity. That is love. Being true to yourself and allowing others to do the same without getting judged is all about being vulnerable.

8.) Maintaining boundaries

When two people get close, boundaries can get indistinct. In a relationship without boundaries, you let the other person manipulate you by doing things that you do not feel like doing. You act out of guilt instead of honoring what you want. You let someone offend you by telling them how you feel about it. So, the best way to have loving relationships is by understanding the art to love yourself first.

If you notice yourself dwelling on pleasing someone else, just realize that you are creating that need. Instead of just focusing on what you can get from the person, just focus on enjoying yourselves together.