Hi Patricia!
Over the last few weeks, things have not been easy for me. I have been struggling a lot mentally and emotionally. But when I think about how things can get worse, I realize that there are still many things that I should be grateful for! And with all these passing year I have somehow lost the habit of expressing gratitude in life. So, could you help me with some of the best ways of expressing gratitude?



Hi Nicole!
Thank you for writing to me.
Scientific Studies have shown that those who feel grateful tend to be happy. Making acts of gratitude a daily practise is important because it increases optimism and decreases negativity. So, making an effort to reflect on your gratitude at least once a day could be really helpful. When you start prioritising gratitude and identify the things you value most, it will eventually flow naturally.
Here are some of the best ways you can follow to express your gratitude in everyday life.

  1. Keep a Journal
    Purchase a small notebook and keep it in your briefcase, purse or on your bedside table. Take a few minutes each day to jot down one or two positive experiences, or, alternatively, write down what you’re grateful for at the end of each week. Include tiny deeds of kindness like a stranger who bought your coffee, a person who held a door open for you, or a call or note from a friend, client, or co-worker expressing gratitude.
    These little joys will be forgotten if you don’t record them in writing. When life doesn’t appear to be going your way, you can look back in your notebook and remember all the things you have to be grateful for.
  2. Volunteer
    Long-term volunteers know a little secret: being kind to others is more beneficial to you than it is to the people you are helping.
    If you’re pressed for time, pick a volunteer position that only demands an hour or two a month. Volunteering is a wonderful opportunity to give back to the community as a whole and provides you something constructive to concentrate on.
  3. Quit Complaining
    It’s only natural to want to complain when bad things occur. If someone in line is taking too long to pay, you can get irritated with them or complain to a coworker about a problematic customer. You might even grumble to yourself when a car cuts you off in the middle of the road.
    But each time you complain, you fuel a bad attitude without presenting a fix for the issue at hand. Instead, take a few deep breaths and attempt to think positively the next time you are frustrated.

These were some really simple and easy ways to express gratitude in everyday life! I hope this help, Nicole!