Moving in together is one of the biggest and most exciting steps in any relationship. As with any life transition, there can be highs and lows, along with circumstances you might not have anticipated. The thought of moving in probably brings up images of shared bathrooms, beds, clothes tossed all over the living room, and unwashed dishes.

When you decide to move in together, chaos can add up and disrupt routines, and you’ll need to learn how to compromise when your relationship progresses to this level.

There will be complaints about how much hair you leave in the bathroom or how long you take a shower. Moving in could be different from what you expected. Although live-in relationships have many benefits, they can also be disasters if not planned right. Here are a few things to expect if you’re moving in with your boyfriend soon and how to survive the first year as a couple.

Before you live together, stay together.

As soon as you think you may want to live together, spend as much time as possible at each other’s homes. Spend weekends together, travel together for five days or six days. With short-term stays, you get a sense of intimacy that is impossible on a regular date. Your partner will get to know you in uncomfortable situations and when you become frustrated. Moving in together could be the next step for your relationship if it continues to grow and thrive even under challenging circumstances.

Finance matters!

When a couple moves in, they may run into financial problems. Are you more concerned with conserving energy or comfort during the winter? Do you divide bills equally or by who uses what? When you’re living with someone, these differences will come out really quickly.

So if you’re moving in, it’s essential to have frank, thorough conversations about finances. Not only should you discuss the expenses you will share but also your daily spending habits. As a couple, you can establish money boundaries and discuss how to handle potential financial differences ethically and compassionately.

Live your life your way.

Living together shouldn’t always revolve around each other. Even though you will be living together, your boyfriend does not have to be present whenever you have friends over. Allow him to hang out with his friends when he wants and hang out with the girls when you want. After moving in together, if you don’t have a life of your own, it will get boring.

Get ready for an oh-so-different guy to come your way!

He seems sweet, but is he really? Does he handle stress well? Does he want you to do more housework than he does? When no one is looking, how does he interact with his friends? He will surely surprise you with something you didn’t expect. How do you feel about this part of your boyfriend? Prepare to see some previously unexplored sides of your partner. It’s just how things are, there’s no need to impress each other anymore.

Make a little compromise.

There is no guarantee that things will go your way all the time. Prepare yourself for compromise if you move in with him. It is impossible to have a perfect relationship without balance. Decide which compromises you can make and which you shouldn’t. You can put aside a disagreement over the living room table, but your independence can’t. Give your boyfriend some freedom to make decisions, and be open to his suggestions. Keep in mind that this is a shared household.

Continue to date.

As soon as you see each other walking around in a T-shirt with a three-week-old stain, you stop trying to look nice. However, that can eventually damage your relationship. Don’t let your living situation stop you from dressing up pretty and going out for dinner, the movies, or long rides with your partner.

Don’t let the romance and intimacy of living together fade away. It might feel as if you’re already married after a while, but don’t let it. Keep the spark alive in your relationship despite adult life, work routines, and proximity.

Keep your insecurities at bay.

Sometimes moving into a shared apartment can increase insecurities. Are you prone to texting people late at night? Could these late-night discussions with different guys be a sign of micro-cheating for your boyfriend? Is it okay if he did the same? It is not a decision to be taken on a whim when you move in with your boyfriend. Be careful not to make your boyfriend feel uncomfortable or insecure. At the very least, you can talk to him about his insecurities heart-to-heart.

It requires compromise and communication when you live with your boyfriend. Never shy away from talking about the issues that bother you. Feel free to express yourself. Some couples live together but never get married because they are either too sharp or too cheesy to get married, but there are also couples who get closer when they live together. Ultimately, it all boils down to why you want to live together and how ready you are to move forward. Have a detailed discussion about your living arrangement before moving in together. Relationships have both pros and cons and ups and downs, according to how you handle them. When done right, living together can be a lot of fun.