It is true that those three magical words, “I Love You,” can bring absolute joy to someone’s life. When you hear those words from your loved one, your mood instantly lifts, and your stress level drops. However, what if she doesn’t often say this? Is that a sign she doesn’t love you? Surely these thoughts crossed your mind if your girl didn’t express her love with these words. But don’t let negative thoughts take over since some people aren’t very good at expressing their feelings through words. Is your girl the same way? How can you find out if she loves you or not? Check out these seven signs that your girlfriend loves you and is fully committed to your relationship.

1. She often talks about your future.

Planning a future together is the most visible sign of intense love. If she isn’t interested in spending her life with you, she won’t discuss it with you. Since you are a part of her plans, this is the clearest sign of love and loyalty she has for you.

2. She always prioritizes you and your needs.

If she always puts your wishes and needs before her own – she is truly devoted to you. Although she might not make romantic gestures, her unspoken love is evident in this act. Every time she adjusts and dedicates herself to fulfilling your needs, she shows her love.

3. She introduced you to her family and friends.

The only people we allow to meet our closest people are those with whom we are comfortable. If she has introduced you to her family and best friends, she considers you to be her family. She’s serious about you if you’re invited to her family gatherings and parties.

4. She bares her true self to you.

Girls are very cautious not to reveal their weaknesses and fears to others. However, if you know what makes her weak and what fears her, you are invaluable to her. She shares everything with you because she trusts you. Sharing sorrows takes courage, and if she does so, she loves you wholeheartedly. Her love for you and trust in you is beyond words.

5. She motivates you to do better.

A good woman always wants you to excel in life. The more she tells you about the problematic areas, the more she wants you to improve. Take it positively rather than feeling bad. Keep your male ego out of the way of your love.

6. She is eager to strengthen the relationship.

With today’s dating apps, you can find countless potential partners. It makes it easier than ever for people to leave problematic relationships and start new ones.

However, there’s a catch. If your girlfriend loves you, she won’t be interested in finding someone new. She will not only believe working with you is a good option; but will also prove it through a strong friendship, constant communication, and being physically close to you. When a woman works on her relationship, she truly loves you.

7. She’ll show you actions, not excuses.

The woman in love won’t have to make excuses. Her actions will show her love. It’s human behavior, not rocket science. Just observe how she behaves; a person’s behavior speaks louder than their words. If she’s acting as if she loves you, she probably does – and if not, she probably doesn’t. It is a telling sign, without a doubt.


You have it now. Your girlfriend’s love for you is evident in her actions, even when she doesn’t say ‘I Love You.’ In case you’ve noticed any of these signs in her behavior, the seeds of love are probably already sprouting. So, get rid of all your fears and let your relationship blossom into a giant tree.