Heart emojis – QUESTION

Hi Kiara,

How ya doing? Just a few days ago, my boyfriend stopped sending me heart emojis. Do you think he’s falling out of love? Previously, he used the heart emoji in every test, but now not even when he says I love you. Could you tell me what this means?




Hi Josie,

Well, it doesn’t mean anything. To simplify things, let me ask you a few questions. Is it just the heart emoji? Or is there anything else that has changed? Has he stopped kissing as well? Have they become less keen and take longer to reply?

If so, it sounds like they are slowly becoming bored and losing interest.

And if not, it may be that he feels more confident in your relationship. He may not feel the need to do all the cutesy texting that comes with the early stages of dating.

So, don’t be paranoid or insecure about them. In case you are still not convinced. Ask him why he has stopped sending hearts?

Let him know you’ve noticed a change in the way he texts you, and it has got you thinking. Just speak with him. Sit down with him and talk face-to-face.

Perhaps it’s a separate issue with which they’re dealing. Let the man have some time. Respect their decision and keep a cool head.

You know, after all, emoji is just a symbol, so don’t get caught up in overanalyzing it.

There is nothing wrong with them if they are cool without the hearts; it doesn’t mean anything. They are just how they express themselves. Hopefully, this will be helpful.

